Thread: RE: [HACKERS] ["G. Jayson Stangel" ] Question s?

RE: [HACKERS] ["G. Jayson Stangel" ] Question s?

Magnus Hagander
> I think thequestions below are very good ones from the Windows side of
> the fence. Six months ago, I would have said PHP is what the open
> source community uses instead of ASP and ADO, but recently there seems
> to have been real Win32 progress with PostgreSQL, and I'm sure we can
> be more specific.
> Does anyone on [HACKERS] want to take a stab at answering G. Stangel?

Sure, I'll take a shot.

> ------- Start of forwarded message -------
> Message-ID: <01BE3A31.6A0566E0@JAYSON>
> From: "G. Jayson Stangel" <>
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: Questions?
> Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 11:32:29 -0700
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> If you are not the person to answer these questions, please 
> forward to = the correct person.
> Currently I am using Microsoft SQL 6.5, we are starting a 
> large project =
> that our licensee would not cover.  We have just put up a 
> linux machine =
> as an experiment.  While researching linux, I ran across your 
> site.  I =
> browsed through the competition section, but could not find 
> all the info =
> I need.
> I am trying to figure out how PostgreSQL differs from 
> Microsoft SQL.  I =
> know the price issue is huge, but how about things like 
> transactions per =
> second?  
In my experience MS SQL Server is quite a bit faster. Can't give you any
hard numbers though, since I have not tried them on identical machines.

> Can I integrate PostgreSQL into my ASP pages? (with 
> the ODBC =
> interface I would assume I could.)  Does it support ADO? Any other =
> differences positive or negative please.

Yes, you can integrate it in your ASP pages using ODCB. ADO can work with
any ODBC drivers, so it should work fine. (I haven't actually _tried_ this,
but it should work - since ADO can act just as a wrapper around ODBC, and
the ODBC driver is supposed to work).
You can also use the native libpq interface, but you can not interface
directly into your ASP pages with that one. You will either have to create a
COM wrapper around it, or you will have to write it all as an ISAPI
extension. All in all, the ODBC/ADO approach is probably much easier and
just as good.
