Thread: BUGS list

BUGS list

Trever Adams
I haven't tried elsewhere first because this really isn't a question
per-se.  It is a request.  All software packages have bugs.  Known bugs
should be made public!

Is it possible to make a BUGS-list (not a mailing list... just a text
file or html page retrievable from web space) and stick in a very
obvious/prominent place on

I know many people who would like to dabble, and might help out with
bugs.  I also know people (namely myself) who are stuck using 6.3.x
because they don't know whether bugs (hearing there are many) in 6.4
will affect them.  Obviously this list would help programmers submit
patches.  It would also help implementers know whether a version is safe
for testing and then deployment.

Thanks for your consideration.  Again, just a suggestion, I know this is
"Open Source" software and therefore no one has to do squat.

Trever Adams