Thread: Re: [INTERFACES] crypt not included when compiling libpgtcl !!!!!!!

Re: [INTERFACES] crypt not included when compiling libpgtcl !!!!!!!

"Bryan White"
>> (I am currently packaging 6.4 into an RPM for Red Hat 5.2).
>Is this an alternative to the RedHat packaging, or are you using the
>same layout and RPM setup that the RedHat 6.3 package had? Just curious;
>I've been thinking about trying to help with RPM support but would be
>happy that someone else is looking after it.
>btw, we are currently looking at a date/time peculiarity in Postgres
>with glibc2 which gives funny results for at least one test case. You
>might want to stay in touch so we can fix that up for you also, once we
>have a good workaround.
>Actually, we should also test with RH5.2 to make sure the date/time
>problem is still present, since it may have been due to a problem in
>glibc2 which has since been fixed. I'm only running RH4.2 and RH5.1 so
>can't directly test that myself...

I am running  PG 6.4 on RH5.2.  If you give me the details I can try a test.