Thread: Questions on using multi-byte character in a field of a table (BIG5)

Questions on using multi-byte character in a field of a table (BIG5)

"Hui Chun Kit, Jacky"
Dear all,
   I have some difficult time in using postgresql 6.4 with chinese BIG5
characters. I am just looking for storing BIG characters in a text field
and retrieve correctly. I have --enable-mb when I compile. I am on RH5.1
intel platform, running PG 6.4.   I just created a testing table test   create test ( name char(20), age int);   For
mostof the characters in BIG5, it works and I can insert
chinese name into the table, but for some characters, esp my own name,
it does not work. I have check the problem out . But cannot solve it.   It is because in my name under BIG5 coding it
is"5cb3 54ab c7b3"
in ASCII code "263   \ 253   T 263 307" where two byte is a character.
That is "5cb3" ('263' '\' ) is the first character and '54ab' ( '253'
'T' ) becomes the second character. The problem is that somewhere
between storing the value into database and client frontend (Perl,
MSAccess) , the '\' is interpreted and thus the stored value becomes
"263  253   T 263 307" which is distorted.   I don't know where exactly is the problem as when I use Mysql, it is
working fine.   Could anyone give me some hints or help..   Your help is really very appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Rgds,