Thread: Ultrix 4.4

Ultrix 4.4

Jeff Aitken
I see from the 6.4 INSTALL file that Ultrix has made it onto the
unsupported list.  If this is simply an issue of developer time, I
understand (and am not complaining).  However, if this is simply 
due to the lack of a machine, I am more than willing to put one on
the net for that purpose.

BTW, I haven't tried 6.4 yet on Ultrix (I'm running 6.3.2 and have
had no problems).  It may continue to work just fine.

On the other hand, this may be the final straw needed to get me to
replace my poor, pitiful Personal DECstation 5000 with something more
useful (like a 486 ;-)

Jeff Aitken