Thread: Re: casting money type to float

Re: casting money type to float

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> found an email from you, from Tue, 12 May 1998, where you describe the
> problems I am having with regards to casting from money to other 
> types.
> "So there is some funny interaction on the casting, the same as you 
> found in v6.3.2 (and presumably forever), which I will look into..."
> But these problems still exist in 6.4BETA2...  Is this something that 
> will be fixed?
> To summarize the problem in case it isn't fresh in your mind: casting 
> a money column in a table to float8 results in gibberish.  Casting a
> constant seems to work fine.  Casts to other types than float8 seem
> equally broken in the table case.

How are you doing the casting? I'm having trouble figuring out what
syntax you are using to get gibberish...
                  - Tom

postgres=> create table mm (m money);
postgres=> insert into mm values ('1');
INSERT 18473 1
postgres=> insert into mm values ('2.50');
INSERT 18474 1
postgres=> select * from mm;
(2 rows)

postgres=> select float8(m) from mm;
ERROR:  No such function 'float8' with the specified attributes
postgres=> select m * 1.0 from mm;
(2 rows)

postgres=> select m::float8 from mm;
ERROR:  No such function 'float8' with the specified attributes