Thread: Regression Tests fail

Regression Tests fail


I posted this message a few days ago on pgsql-admin, alas until now i
have not got an answer.
I cheked the Logs .. and tried to make as mutch sense out of them as

A few errors where easy to figure out. a few others are harder.

I guess the illegal value gets put in the DB , with a warning message,
but is striped .. and the data is trunched. well i added my previos
post  and my diff file.


Gavin Woodhatch

<Begin Old Msg>


I have included all failed tests , and added my comment ( if for e.g. it

failed because of some stupid difference)

but what i dont know is , how bad these errors are , as i have a very
limited knowlege on RDBMS.

I am Running Linux Kernel 2.0.35 , PostgreSQL  6.3.2, GLIBC2 version
compiled with egcs 1.1b. on an DEC Alpha

i had to do a "configure -with-template=linuxalpha" for postgres to
when compiling with the linux template  i count eaven do an initdb ..
(IMHO this would be one for the FAQ)

int2 .. failed ( Two Differnt Error Messages)

int4 .. failed  ( see attached .gz file)
what concerns me here is that a value of  -727379968 never got put in to

the DB .. strange

oidint2 .. failed ( Two Differnt Error Messages)

oidint4 .. failed
i have the feeling that some invalid data gets put in the table ..
there are mor rows than there should be ..

float4 .. failed
same prob here

float8 .. failed
same prob here

numerology .. failed
geometry .. failed i guess the same here :(

datetime .. failed
reltime .. failed
abstime .. failed
tinterval .. failed
horology .. failed

some problem with dates on Linux Alpha i get years +2000 (hey can my
alpha do time leeps ?)

random .. failed
misc .. failed
hmm can't figure out what went wrong here

If anyone can tell me how bad this stuff is .. or what maybe when wrong
when compiling.
would be glad to know.


Gavin Woodhatch
