Thread: Sequences and jdbc 6.3.2 (fwd)

Sequences and jdbc 6.3.2 (fwd)

Peter T Mount
I've just had this sent to me.

In this case, the correct method that should have been used (in JDBC) is
stmnt.executeUpdate(), but the fact that he couldn't remove the sequence
is worrying.

Was this an old problem now fixed?

       Peter T Mount
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 21:25:21 -0700
From: Jason Venner <>
To: Peter T Mount <>
Subject: Sequences and jdbc 6.3.2

I have an interesting problem.
I would like to create sequences via the jdbc interface. The problem
is that if I try to create a sequence via jdbc

Statement stmnt = connection.createStatement();
stmnt.execute( "create sequence image_seq start 50" );

The creation failes
execute returns false and
the postmaster spits out
ERROR:  cannot create image_seq

Then, forever after, even by psql, I can't create or drop that
sequence name.
I have to destroy the database.