Thread: egcs, glibc-2.0.7, linux - any problems known?

egcs, glibc-2.0.7, linux - any problems known?

Hiya.  Compiled current CVS of postgres.  Haven't dl'd a CVS in a while -
since about july I guess - and that one worked right up 'till recently...

postgres server seems to work fine.
initdb also works fine.
createdb fails, I don't (yet) know how to convince it to tell me -WHY- it
psql segfaults in pqWait()
    [again haven't traced this down - figured I'd try the JDBC driver
first but it doesn't know how to make databases afaik...]

Any ideas where to begin?  Or are there any unknowns in my current
toollist..  I think I tried gcc- as well - I'll try it again.  But
IIRC that didn't work either....

G'day, eh? :)
    - Teunis