Thread: Rules: first fix on monday

Rules: first fix on monday

From (Jan Wieck)

    got  a  lot  of  things working up to now. Most things on the
    relation level are fixed  now,  including  qualified  instead
    rules.  Update  rules  can  now  correctly refer to *new* and

    Must check if instead nothing with/without  qualification  is
    O.K.  and  if  the  regression tests are still happy with the

    What I haven't touched yet are rules on the  attribute  level
    and  the  update  new stuff. If regression tests walk through
    and the instead nothing is O.K. I'll send a first patch  with
    some test queries on monday.  Next todo is then update new.

    Have a nice wieckend :-)



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#======================================== (Jan Wieck) #