Thread: FATAL: Backend cache invalidation initialisation failed

FATAL: Backend cache invalidation initialisation failed

On a Digital dual PII/32MB RAM/8GB SCSI
 running the same query 45 times I get:

May  6 09:16:27 digital logger: NOTICE:  SIAssignBackendId: discarding tag
May  6 09:16:27 digital logger: FATAL 1:  Backend cache invalidation
initialization failed
May  6 09:16:40 digital logger: FATAL 1:  Backend cache invalidation
initialization failed
May  6 09:17:09 digital PAM_pwdb[397]: (login) session opened for user root
by (uid=0)
May  6 09:17:09 digital PAM_pwdb[397]: ROOT LOGIN ON tty4
May  6 09:21:41 digital logger: NOTICE:  LockRelease: find xid, table
May  6 09:23:09 digital logger: NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
May  6 09:23:09 digital logger: ^IThe Postmaster has informed me that some
other backend died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
May  6 09:23:09 digital logger: ^II have rolled back the current transaction
and am going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
May  6 09:23:09 digital logger: ^IPlease reconnect to the database system
and repeat your query.

This kills my sistem.
Increasing the memory to 96MB didn't work it out.
In real life I expect more than 45 queries simultaneously.

What can I do ?

