Thread: AW: [HACKERS] Re: Bug#21681: postgresql: Doesn't allow granting to www-data

AW: [HACKERS] Re: Bug#21681: postgresql: Doesn't allow granting to www-data

Andreas Zeugswetter
> Yes it is; I hadn't tried double-quotes, because single-quotes are used
> for strings - it didn't occur to me! (Incidentally, WHY double-quotes here
> instead of single-quotes? Surely that's against SQL practice?)

No SQL Standard needs eighter no quotes or double quotes, since
the user name is handeled as an identifier (like a table name).
This is to cleanly distinguish between a string and an identifier.
If you use special characters for user names you have to double quote them.

> bray=> grant all on address to "www-data";
>  ERROR:  aclparse: mode flags must use "arwR"

This seems to be a different problem.
