Thread: Re: Problem with JDBC interface in Postgresql-6.3

Re: Problem with JDBC interface in Postgresql-6.3

Peter T Mount
[ I'm forwarding this to the hackers list, as this looks like a problem in
the backend ]

On Mon, 16 Mar 1998, Uri Blumenthal wrote:

> > I've tried to reproduce this, but it's not failing.
> Lucky you are...
> > This sounds like the backend dying while in the middle of the fastpath
> > call. If you run the backend with debugging enabled, does anything appear
> > when this fault occurs?
> You bet. Here's the output of "-d 3 -o /tmp/pgsql.log":
> NOTICE:  DateStyle is Postgres with US (NonEuropean) conventions
> NOTICE:  buffer leak [77] detected in BufferPoolCheckLeak()
> NOTICE:  buffer leak [77] detected in BufferPoolCheckLeak()
> NOTICE:  buffer leak [77] detected in BufferPoolCheckLeak()
> NOTICE:  buffer leak [77] detected in BufferPoolCheckLeak()
> Failed Assertion("!(BufferIsValid(buffer)):", File: "bufmgr.c", Line: 1294)
> !(BufferIsValid(buffer)) (0) [No such file or directory]

Uri, what platform are you running the backend? This looks like something
serious is going wrong here...

> And here's the Java dump:

[ dump snipped - it's just confirming the above ]

Peter T Mount or
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