Thread: Re: [HACKERS] Re: [QUESTIONS] Problems with running v6.3 on DIGITAL UNIX (fwd)

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [QUESTIONS] Problems with running v6.3 on DIGITAL UNIX (fwd)

"Pedro J. Lobo"
>Let me mention on thing that may help the alpha developers trying to fix
>As part of 6.3 changes, I changed some contants in
>/src/include/catalog/*.h that used 0L to just plain 0.  It seemed to be
>done inconsistently, and I could not figure out how the 0L could be
>different than 0.
>Can someone take a look at the 6.2 source and 6.3 source, and tell me if
>the 0L entries in 6.2 change the alpha behavior from a plain 0.  Perhaps
>a way of testing would be to replace the 0L with 0 in a working 6.2, and
>run initdb to see if the system still works.

I've just finished the test, and it makes no difference :-( The only file
where 0L appeared is in pg_attributes.h. I have tried also to put '-1L' in
the new column, but it makes no difference. Still working...

Pedro José Lobo Perea                   Tel:    +34 1 336 78 19
Centro de Cálculo                       Fax:    +34 1 331 92 29
EUIT Telecomunicación - UPM             e-mail: