Thread: Re: [HACKERS] Who is everyone?

Re: [HACKERS] Who is everyone?

"D. Dante Lorenso"
I'm just listening in on the list, but I'm hoping I can dive in and
help once I'm up-to-speed on the education part.  I'm using MySQL to
develop my Visual Basic 5 programming skills, but once PostgreSQL
catches up on ODBC, I'll be moving to PG.

I am a 21-yr-old native Floridian (here in the US) and have been married
for over a year.  I will graduate this semester with a degree in CIS from
the University of Florida.  Going along with the whole pet theme, I have
two cats (well kittens actually), named Spartacus and Cervantes.

In college, my senior project was to design a mini-DBMS using the PERL
language, but set it up such that it could be installed and run from a
normal user's account of 4Mb quota.  I used DBM files to store each
record, with the 'KEY' acting as the Primary Key for the tables.  This
worked rather well, and I was able to then add a small subset of SQL to
select, insert, delete, and update tables.  Of course, no security,
datatypes, transactions, or anything that makes a database functional
existed, but the whole program (DBMS) fit in just 60k and a 10 tables of
10,000 tuples manages to stay under 1 Mb altogether..., so I accomplished
my goal ;)

For the past two years, I have worked for Accounting Firms Associated, inc.,
where I am the Network Admin.  I run a couple redhat 5 linux servers
(connected to the internet through ISDN), two NT servers, one Novell
server, and about 35+ workstations.  I prefer Linux of the three servers
and have spent several years working with it since the 1.0 kernels and
slackware (remember when you had to make all those disk sets...YUK!)

At home, I have three machines, one Redhat 5 server, and two Win95
workstations.  My home server dial-up to the internet and connects my home
PCs with IP masquerading (so my wife and I can share a phone line), and I'm
using Samba to allow the Redhat 5 server to authenticate logins and store
user profiles.  I'm running MySQL and PostgreSQl 6.2.1 until I finish
designing my current project.

My immediate goal is to integrate all of this firms information pools
into large databases which can be accessed via internal and external
methods.  My ideal solution is to have Win95 on all desktops (for Office
and stuff) with VB5 applications interfacing with the DB.  Then, on the
machines I'll have PERL and DBI/DBD interfaces generating pages for Apache
to serve up.  With that, costs stay low, and I learn a whole lot about
tons of systems and languages and protocols etc...


PS - Who needs graduate school?  It'll only interfere with my education!

|  _ - D. Dante Lorenso  | Network Administrator |
| | |    ___  _ _  ___  __ _  ___  ___     |                       |
| | |__ / o \| '_|/ o_\|  \ |\_ _\/ o \    | Accounting Firms      |
| |____|\___/|_|  \___/|_|\_|\___|\___/    | Associated, inc.      |
|            |  |