Thread: Re: [HACKERS] postmaster crash and .s.pgsql file

Re: [HACKERS] postmaster crash and .s.pgsql file

Andrew Martin
> > > > In $PGDATA would seem as good as anywhere (maybe $PGDATA/.run or some such)
> > > >
> > > > /usr/local is mounted r/o on my system - $PGDATA lives elsewhere and is
> > > > writable.
> > >
> > >     $PGDATA is created 700...general users need to be able to read the
> > > directory in order to connect to the socket, so we'd have to lax up
> > > security in order to accomplish this...
> > >
> > OK, no problem, a subdirectory of $PGDATA which has world read permission
>     You'd have to relax the 700 permissions on $PGDATA to get at
> anything under that directory, even if the subdirectory under it had 777
> access to it...
Duh... Wasn't thinking straight - it's been a bad week :-)
Your right, you'd have to allow read access to the directory but not

>     And, it also makes the assumption that you'll only ever have 1
> postmaster process running on a machine, or else you are now having to set
> the PGDATA environment variable depending on which database you want to
> connect to...:(
Agreed, I was really just making the point that I didn't want anything
to be written to the root directory of the pgsql installation...



Dr. Andrew C.R. Martin                             University College London
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