Thread: Re: [HACKERS] grant broken

Re: [HACKERS] grant broken

Zeugswetter Andreas DBT
>> While implementing a method to retrieve the permissions on a table,
>> the statement: "grant all on test to public;" kills the backend.
>Works here.

Don't work here either:
(dbx) where
OrderedElemPop(elem = 0x2008b4c8), line 130 in "oset.c"
AllocSetFree(0x2008b1c8, 0x2008b4d8), line 226 in "aset.c"
AllocSetReset(0x2008b1c8), line 134 in "aset.c"
EndPortalAllocMode(), line 914 in "portalmem.c"
AtCommit_Memory(), line 688 in "xact.c"
CommitTransaction(), line 899 in "xact.c"
CommitTransactionCommand(), line 1084 in "xact.c"
PostgresMain(0xa, 0x2ff22aa0), line 1600 in "postgres.c"
main(argc = 10, argv = 0x2ff22aa0), line 79 in "main.c"

(invalid char ptr (0x2008b4d8))), line 226 in "aset.c"
