Thread: Re: [HACKERS] Re: [QUESTIONS] tuple is too big?

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [QUESTIONS] tuple is too big?

Peter T Mount
On Sat, 3 Jan 1998, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> OK, I am CC'ing Peter.  I know he suspected a protocol issue, and
> perhaps this will help him.

PS: Its best to send postgresql stuff to my home addresses, rather than
the work one. Also, I'm actually on leave this week, so stuff sent to won't be read until the 12th.

> > The output produced looks like the lo_import() call worked (a id number is
> > returned), but the second query runs into problenms.   For example:
> >
> > Here is some output:
> >
> > IMPORTING FILE: /tmp/10-225341.jpg
> >
> > File Id is 18209Executing Query : INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('Testing', 18209)
> >
> > Database Error: unknown protocol character 'V' read from backend. (The protocol
> > character is the first character the backend sends in
> > response to a query it receives).

This was the first bug that I found (and the reason I first suspected the
protocol). I have a possible fix for this one (which I applied to the jdbc
driver), but another problem then rears its head else where.

PS: this problem is infact in libpq.

> > this is a CGI program, and the http user has all access to table "foo" in the
> > database.  The postgres.log file also spits out this:
> > NOTICE:LockRelease: locktable lookup failed, no lock

Yep, I get this as well. It's on my list of things to find.

> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > Bruce:
> >
> > Do you see a problem with the code that I missed, or are the large objects
> > interface functions broken in 6.2.1?

They are broken.

When testing, I find that as long as the large object is < 1k in size, it
works once, then will never work again. This obviously is useless.

I'm spending the whole of next week hitting this with a vengence (doing
some preliminary work this afternoon). I'll keep everyone posted.

Peter T Mount or
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