Thread: Announcing BedquiltDB: A json doc-store built on PostgreSQL

Announcing BedquiltDB: A json doc-store built on PostgreSQL

Shane Kilkelly
Hi all,

For the last year I’ve been working on building a vaguely mongoldb-inspired API on top of the Postgres jsonb column types. The result is BedquiltDB (

The Gist:

BedquiltDB is a vaguely mongodb-inspired json store built on top of PostgreSQL's jsonb column type. It does the things you'de expect, creating _id fields automatically, creating tables on the first write, etc.

It is implemented as a postgres extension (a horrible lump of PL/PgSQL), and client libraries for python, node and clojure.
While I'm not using it in production for anything, it is pretty well tested, and I had fun making it, which is what really matters :)

If you fancy stopping by for a chat, we have a room set up on gitter (, and would love to hear any feedback on the project.

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Shane Kilkelly