Thread: postgresql 9.3.10, FIPS mode and DRBG issues.

postgresql 9.3.10, FIPS mode and DRBG issues.

Rodney Lott

Hi, there.


First, my particulars:

·         Ubuntu Trusty build and runtime environment

·         PostgreSQL 9.3.10 Ubuntu source code

·         Using a FIPS enabled version of OpenSSL (i.e. 1.0.1p version of the library and 2.0.9 of the FIPS canister source code)

·         I think this is probably more of a developer question, but the mailing list site said to post it elsewhere first, so here it is

·         I am new to FIPS and postgresql in general (i.e. working with them for a few months)


I’ve been trying to get the postgresql packages to work in FIPS mode. To accomplish this, I’ve patched the Ubuntu source code with the patch that is attached to this message.


The main postgresql server runs fine as expected in either FIPS or non-FIPS modes. However, when I try to use the psql command in FIPS mode, I get the following error:


# psql -h -U postgres -d sslmode=require

psql: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected


I used the gdb debugger to try to find where in the backend the command was failing. The backtrace on the server side suggests that the problem involves the key-exchange failing:


(gdb) bt

#0  0x00007f40183e8f20 in __nanosleep_nocancel () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81

#1  0x00007f40183e8dd4 in __sleep (seconds=0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sleep.c:137

#2  0x00007f40196a95ce in DH_generate_key () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

#3  0x00007f40199e8ba6 in ssl3_send_server_key_exchange () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

#4  0x00007f40199ec18b in ssl3_accept () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

#5  0x00007f40199fb8b3 in ssl23_accept () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

#6  0x00005618082567a4 in open_server_SSL (port=0x561808e05700) at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/libpq/be-secure.c:925

#7  secure_open_server (port=port@entry=0x561808e05700) at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/libpq/be-secure.c:221

#8  0x00005618082c7eb8 in ProcessStartupPacket (port=port@entry=0x561808e05700, SSLdone=SSLdone@entry=0 '\000') at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:1921

#9  0x00005618081030f9 in BackendInitialize (port=0x561808e05700) at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:4036

#10 BackendStartup (port=0x561808e05700) at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:3807

#11 ServerLoop () at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:1690

#12 0x00005618082cace1 in PostmasterMain (argc=5, argv=<optimized out>) at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:1315

#13 0x0000561808103fb3 in main (argc=5, argv=0x561808db6970) at /home/rlott/git/stash/postgresql-fips/postgresql-9.3-9.3.10/build/../src/backend/main/main.c:227


I tracked it down to the following code in the OpenSSL 2.0.9 canister code:


int FIPS_drbg_generate(DRBG_CTX *dctx, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen,

            int prediction_resistance,

            const unsigned char *adin, size_t adinlen)


    int r = 0;


    if (FIPS_selftest_failed())



        return 0;



    if (!fips_drbg_check(dctx))

        return 0;


    if (dctx->status != DRBG_STATUS_READY

        && dctx->status != DRBG_STATUS_RESEED)


        if (dctx->status == DRBG_STATUS_ERROR)

            r = FIPS_R_IN_ERROR_STATE;

        else if(dctx->status == DRBG_STATUS_UNINITIALISED)

            r = FIPS_R_NOT_INSTANTIATED;

        goto end;



The place where it fails is where dctx->status == DRBG_STATUS_UNINITIALIZED (i.e. 0).


So, my question is this: In FIPS mode, what would cause the random number generation to not initialize? I have put print statements in the postgresql code such that I know that it is in FIPS mode properly. I know that the dctx->status pointer, which points to a “static DRBG_CTX ossl_dctx” structure, is initialize to 1 in the main process. It appears that this initialization doesn’t get propagated to other backends or the SSL transaction above.


If any of the developers have some insight into this, I would appreciate it.




Rodney Lott


Re: postgresql 9.3.10, FIPS mode and DRBG issues.

Tom Lane
Rodney Lott <> writes:
> So, my question is this: In FIPS mode, what would cause the random
> number generation to not initialize?

I remember that Red Hat's version of "FIPS mode" involved crypto features
(including RNGs) just refusing to work in modes deemed inadequately
secure.  So my guess is that psql is trying to configure OpenSSL with some
inadequately-secure settings.  Not sure why it'd be different from the
server though.  Are you sure psql and the libpq it's using are same
version as the apparently-working server?

            regards, tom lane

Re: postgresql 9.3.10, FIPS mode and DRBG issues.

Rodney Lott
> > So, my question is this: In FIPS mode, what would cause the random
> > number generation to not initialize?
> I remember that Red Hat's version of "FIPS mode" involved crypto
> features (including RNGs) just refusing to work in modes deemed
> inadequately secure.  So my guess is that psql is trying to configure
> OpenSSL with some inadequately-secure settings.  Not sure why it'd be
> different from the server though.  Are you sure psql and the libpq it's
> using are same version as the apparently-working server?
>             regards, tom lane

Hi, Tom.

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll look into the settings and see what I can find.

I double checked the installed packages and they seem to be from my same postgresql build (i.e. note my timestamp of

# dpkg -l | grep postgres
ii  postgresql-9.3                      9.3.10-0ubuntu0.14.04~et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538 amd64        object-relational
SQLdatabase, version 9.3 server 
ii  postgresql-9.3-dbg                  9.3.10-0ubuntu0.14.04~et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538 amd64        debug symbols for
ii  postgresql-client-9.3               9.3.10-0ubuntu0.14.04~et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538 amd64        front-end programs
forPostgreSQL 9.3 
ii  postgresql-client-common            154-et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538                   all          manager for
multiplePostgreSQL client versions 
ii  postgresql-common                   154-et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538                   all          PostgreSQL
ii  postgresql-contrib-9.3              9.3.10-0ubuntu0.14.04~et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538 amd64        additional
facilitiesfor PostgreSQL 
ii  postgresql-json-build               1.1.0-et3                                       amd64        json_build
extensionfor postgresql 
ii  postgresql-plpython-9.3             9.3.10-0ubuntu0.14.04~et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538 amd64        PL/Python
procedurallanguage for PostgreSQL 9.3 
# dpkg -l | grep libpq
ii  libpq5                              9.3.10-0ubuntu0.14.04~et1~fips~2.0.9~1459281538 amd64        PostgreSQL C
# dpkg -S /usr/bin/psql
postgresql-client-common: /usr/bin/psql
# dpkg -S /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres
postgresql-9.3: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres
# psql -h -U postgres -d sslmode=require
psql: SSL SYSCALL error (0): EOF detected, err=5

So, I believe that psql and libpq are from the same version as the currently working server.

