Thread: Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

David Grelaud

Statistics are not propagated when Common Table Expressions (CTE) are used.
The cardinality of a CTE is equal to 1 most of the time so every joins with previously computed CTEs are done with the nested-loop algorithm.
This seems to be really a risky choice, even without CTEs, according to this paper and our own experiments: 

"How good are query optimizers, really?." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9.3 (2015): 204-215. (Paragraph 4.1) Leis, Viktor, et al.

There are interesting discussions on the web about CTEs and bad performances:

- ...

So when the problem happens (underestimation costs -> nested-loop ->  many rows -> bad performance guarantee), we have currently these solutions:

- refactor the query using Subquery Expressions instead of CTEs but the query looks really ugly to read (increasing maintenance cost), and we may loose some other execution plan optimisations provided by CTEs
- refactor the query using temporary table but it becomes impossible to use single-query prepared statement 
- disable nested loop but PostgreSQL does not use Indexes anymore when available
- use an extension to enable Oracle-style hints ( but the system becomes blindness (not data-dependent, potential futures algorithms never used, ...)
- is there another existing solution I'm not aware of?

I'm sure PostgreSQL could provide a better solution to solve this problem. 

1) Would it be easy to compute and propagate statistics of CTEs, like subqueries?

The argument usually returned by the PostgreSQL community is: 
"CTEs have been created to let the developer control the execution plan, so the statistics computation is virtually disabled"
Ok, the developer can control roughly the execution plan but in the same time, Postgres becomes "stupid" inside each CTEs and chooses always the "same" join algorithm (the riskiest) to join previously computed CTEs.
It is like giving to somebody the power to fly, while removing his eyes ;).

Drawbacks: even if statistics are computed and propagated across CTEs, and if queries are really complex, the cost estimator may fail to compute cardinality and the problem of nested-loop joins still happens.

2) Would it be possible to let the developer inject cardinality hints in the query?

As suggested by this paper:
"Query optimizers: time to rethink the contract?."" In : Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data. ACM, 2009. p. 961-968. CHAUDHURI, Surajit.

The SQL developer could for example inject cardinality in a comment "my_cte:100000". The developer is responsible to update this cardinality with its own metrics and tools.
Thus, the cardinality is still data-dependent (not constant Ad vitam æternam) and the planner is able to choose the best join algorithm according to all other parameters (system IO...).

3) Always avoid nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

Tom Lane said "There might be some cases where this would help, but there would be many more where it would be useless or counterproductive."
Who is right between Tom Lane and the Leis Viktor's paper above?

We tried to disable nested_loop all the time in a production environment and we observed an overall improvement in all queries where Indexes are not useful or not available (CTEs), which confirms the paper.
In fact, one of our production environment is still running with "nested_loop off" because benefits are a lot greater than drawbacks as long as some tables are relatively small (Indexes not used).

4) Do runtime optimizations?

According to research papers, this will be the next challenge. But I think it is difficult to implement it in a relatively short-term period?

What is the purpose of this message:

We would like to find a "simple" long-term solution to this under-estimation cost problem, which generate hazarduous performance regressions in our production environments.

We would like to hear critiques or other solutions from PostgreSQL experts.

We would like to help developing and testing the solution.

Thank you very much!

David Grelaud,

Re: Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

Tom Lane
David Grelaud <> writes:
> Statistics are not propagated when Common Table Expressions (CTE) are used.
> The cardinality of a CTE is equal to 1 most of the time


The rest of this seems to be proceeding from completely false assumptions.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

David Grelaud
Thank you for your fast response!

I'm sorry, my vocabulary may be not correct and my "french approach" to explain my problem is not efficient ;).

But the underestimation problem in complex queries is still there? ... and generates potential "dangerous" plans (nested loop).

We thought at the beginning we were alone but it seems to be a problem of most database systems.
What do you think about the paragraph 4.1 of this paper ?

David Grelaud,

2016-01-13 16:02 GMT+01:00 Tom Lane <>:
David Grelaud <> writes:
> Statistics are not propagated when Common Table Expressions (CTE) are used.
> The cardinality of a CTE is equal to 1 most of the time


The rest of this seems to be proceeding from completely false assumptions.

                        regards, tom lane

Re: Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

David Rowley
On 14 January 2016 at 03:48, David Grelaud <> wrote:
3) Always avoid nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

Tom Lane said "There might be some cases where this would help, but there would be many more where it would be useless or counterproductive."
Who is right between Tom Lane and the Leis Viktor's paper above?

We tried to disable nested_loop all the time in a production environment and we observed an overall improvement in all queries where Indexes are not useful or not available (CTEs), which confirms the paper.
In fact, one of our production environment is still running with "nested_loop off" because benefits are a lot greater than drawbacks as long as some tables are relatively small (Indexes not used).

I don't really think any of them are wrong. Simply Tom is talking in general terms for no specific workload, and the paper is dealing with one specific workload. Of course there are cases when a non-parameterised nested loop are the fastest way, I mean what could possibility be faster if there's only 1 row to be joined, for example. It's just that it's not that much faster since such a join is likely to perform very quickly no matter which join algorithm is used.

On the other hand, if your tables are not tiny, or you're never just joining to just a few rows, and you are suffering from stats underestimations, then it's quite probable that you'll improve your workload overall by doing enable_nestloop = off. But you have to remember that if you do this, then you miss out on parameterised inner scans on nested loops. Quite often these are the fastest option, even when the number of rows is fairly large, as it might save building a hash table on a very large relation, or having to sort that relation for a merge join.

Perhaps separating out enable_nestloop so that it only disables non-parameterised nested loops, and add another GUC for parameterised nested loops would be a good thing to do. Likely setting enable_nestloop to off in production would be a slightly easier decision to make, if that was the case.

It looks pretty simple to do this, so I hacked it up, and attached it here. There's no doc changes and I'm not that interested in fighting for this change, it's more just an idea for consideration.

 David Rowley         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

Tom Lane
David Rowley <> writes:
> Perhaps separating out enable_nestloop so that it only disables
> non-parameterised nested loops, and add another GUC for parameterised
> nested loops would be a good thing to do. Likely setting enable_nestloop to
> off in production would be a slightly easier decision to make, if that was
> the case.
> It looks pretty simple to do this, so I hacked it up, and attached it here.
> There's no doc changes and I'm not that interested in fighting for this
> change, it's more just an idea for consideration.

I'm not terribly excited by this idea either.  If making such a change
actually makes things better for someone consistently, I'd argue that
the problem is a mistaken cost estimate elsewhere, and we'd be better off
to find and fix the real problem.  (There have already been discussions
of only believing single-row rowcount estimates when they're provably
true, which might help if we can figure out how to do it cheaply enough.)

Having said that, if we did split enable_nestloop like this, what I think
you'd want to discriminate against is nestloops where the inner rel is
not parameterized *by the outer rel*.  This test isn't doing that; it will
happily accept inner rels that are parameterized by some unrelated rel.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

David Rowley
On 15 January 2016 at 04:00, Tom Lane <> wrote:
David Rowley <> writes:
> Perhaps separating out enable_nestloop so that it only disables
> non-parameterised nested loops, and add another GUC for parameterised
> nested loops would be a good thing to do. Likely setting enable_nestloop to
> off in production would be a slightly easier decision to make, if that was
> the case.
> It looks pretty simple to do this, so I hacked it up, and attached it here.
> There's no doc changes and I'm not that interested in fighting for this
> change, it's more just an idea for consideration.

I'm not terribly excited by this idea either.  If making such a change
actually makes things better for someone consistently, I'd argue that
the problem is a mistaken cost estimate elsewhere, and we'd be better off
to find and fix the real problem.  (There have already been discussions
of only believing single-row rowcount estimates when they're provably
true, which might help if we can figure out how to do it cheaply enough.)

Actually, it's not very hard to hit a bad underestimate at all. All you need is a join on two columns which are co-related. Since PostgreSQL multiplies the estimated selectivities the row count is going to come out too low. This also tricks the planner into thinking that this is a good join to perform early, since (it thinks that) it does not produce many rows at all. You only need 1 more join to occur after that to choose a nested loop join mistakenly to hit the issue.

FWIW TPC-H Q9 has this exact trip hazard with the partsupp table, which is the exact reason why this patch was born:

I also think that the attitude that we can *always* fix the costs and estimates is not the right one. The planner is never going to get it right 100% of the time. If we ever think we can build such a planner then someone needs to come along and direct us back into the real world.

 David Rowley         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

David Grelaud
Thank you both for your help.

We will test your patch but we need to understand a bit more the code in order to follow your discussions.
Actually, your patch helps us to find where to start in the code ;).

The planner is never going to get it right 100% of the time.

Yes, I agree.
In production environnements, even if PostgreSQL chooses such a bad plan 1% of the time, it is enough to make clients angry. My goal is to eradicate this risk of choosing a nested loop in certain cases, which freezes PostgreSQL during many minutes, whereas a hash-join or something else takes only 2 seconds to complete. The performance difference is huge.
I mean, even if the plan is not the best one 100% of the time, it should at least choose a "risk-free" plan, without these "bad" nested-loops. It is maybe easier said than done but we want to try.


David Grelaud

2016-01-15 2:16 GMT+01:00 David Rowley <>:
On 15 January 2016 at 04:00, Tom Lane <> wrote:
David Rowley <> writes:
> Perhaps separating out enable_nestloop so that it only disables
> non-parameterised nested loops, and add another GUC for parameterised
> nested loops would be a good thing to do. Likely setting enable_nestloop to
> off in production would be a slightly easier decision to make, if that was
> the case.
> It looks pretty simple to do this, so I hacked it up, and attached it here.
> There's no doc changes and I'm not that interested in fighting for this
> change, it's more just an idea for consideration.

I'm not terribly excited by this idea either.  If making such a change
actually makes things better for someone consistently, I'd argue that
the problem is a mistaken cost estimate elsewhere, and we'd be better off
to find and fix the real problem.  (There have already been discussions
of only believing single-row rowcount estimates when they're provably
true, which might help if we can figure out how to do it cheaply enough.)

Actually, it's not very hard to hit a bad underestimate at all. All you need is a join on two columns which are co-related. Since PostgreSQL multiplies the estimated selectivities the row count is going to come out too low. This also tricks the planner into thinking that this is a good join to perform early, since (it thinks that) it does not produce many rows at all. You only need 1 more join to occur after that to choose a nested loop join mistakenly to hit the issue.

FWIW TPC-H Q9 has this exact trip hazard with the partsupp table, which is the exact reason why this patch was born:

I also think that the attitude that we can *always* fix the costs and estimates is not the right one. The planner is never going to get it right 100% of the time. If we ever think we can build such a planner then someone needs to come along and direct us back into the real world.

 David Rowley         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services