Thread: [9.5] question about row level security

[9.5] question about row level security

Andreas Kretschmer
Hello @ll,

how can i define a policy to prevent update a single field but enable
update other fields in a row?

For instance, a staff member table. the boss should be able to change
all fields but not a specific field in all rows, but should be able to
update this field for his own row.

id | name | boss |col1 | col_privat
 1 | boss | boss |  10 | boss privat
 2 | joe  | boss |  20 | joe privat
 3 | sue  | boss |  30 | sue privat

boss should be able to edit all except col_privat for id=2 and 3,
but he should be able update this column for id=1.
Therefore i can't revoce the update-priv for this column.

create policy enable_boss on <table> for update using
(boss=current_user) with check (???)

Is there a way to access old.* and new.* like within a trigger?
(something like with check(old.col_privat=new.col_privat))

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: [9.5] question about row level security

"Charles Clavadetscher"



I am not so sure if this is feasible with policies only. Personally I would separate private data from the rest assuming that that part is anyway information that also the boss is not supposed to look at. A separation would make the setup of policies easy.


Using the structure that you described I could implement the use case, but it is neither elegant nor particularly nice and I am not sure If there are not some flaws somewhere. What I did is use a function that returns for a name the content of col_privat and compare it with the current value in the with check clause.


Well here it goes, but again. The idea to separate private and business is much better... ;-)


create table public.staff (

id integer,

name text,

boss text,

col1 integer,

col_privat text



create role boss login password 'xxx';

create role joe login password 'xxx';

create role sue login password 'xxx';


insert into staff values (1,'boss','boss',10,'boss privat'),

(2,'joe','boss',20,'joe privat'),

(3,'sue','boss',30,'sue privat');


grant select, update on staff to boss;  -- Assuming that boss can change basicall everything.

grant select, update (col_privat) on staff to sue, joe;  -- assuming that normal user should not change other fields.


alter table staff enable row level security;



-- Let people see their own entries

CREATE POLICY all_users ON staff


TO sue, joe



-- Let boss see all entries

CREATE POLICY for_boss ON staff


TO boss

USING (true);


-- Let people and boss only change their own record

CREATE POLICY change_own_private ON staff


TO boss, sue, joe



-- Create a function to check the content of col_privat

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_col_privat(p_name text)


AS $$


  RETURN (SELECT col_privat FROM public.staff

          WHERE name = $1);


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION get_col_privat(text) TO boss;


-- Allow boss to see modify all entries where he is the boss

-- but if the record does not belong to him and the content of col_privat is different from the original then do not allow to create the new row.

CREATE POLICY change_all_but_privat ON staff


TO boss


WITH CHECK (name <> SESSION_USER AND col_privat = (SELECT get_col_privat(name)));


Testing (notice which user is doing what on the left):


sue=> SELECT * FROM staff;

id | name | boss | col1 | col_privat


  3 | sue  | boss |   30 | sue privat

(1 row)


sue=> UPDATE staff SET col_privat = 'sue changed' WHERE name = 'sue';


sue=> UPDATE staff SET col_privat = 'sue changed' WHERE name = 'joe';



boss=> SELECT * FROM staff;

id | name | boss | col1 | col_privat


  1 | boss | boss |   10 | boss privat

  2 | joe  | boss |   20 | joe privat

  3 | sue  | boss |   30 | sue changed

(3 rows)


Boss sees everything.


boss=> UPDATE staff SET col1 = 250 WHERE name = 'sue';


boss=> UPDATE staff SET col_privat = 'boss changed' WHERE name = 'sue';

ERROR:  new row violates row level security policy for "staff"


Boss can change other fields but not col_privat.


boss=> UPDATE staff SET col_privat = 'boss changed' WHERE name = 'boss';



But he can change his own col_privat.


boss=> SELECT * FROM staff;

id | name | boss | col1 |  col_privat


  2 | joe  | boss |   20 | joe privat

  3 | sue  | boss |  250 | sue changed

  1 | boss | boss |   10 | boss changed


Hope this helps.




> -----Original Message-----

> From: [mailto:pgsql-general-

>] On Behalf Of Andreas Kretschmer

> Sent: Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2015 09:55

> To:

> Subject: [GENERAL] [9.5] question about row level security


> Hello @ll,


> how can i define a policy to prevent update a single field but enable update

> other fields in a row?


> For instance, a staff member table. the boss should be able to change all

> fields but not a specific field in all rows, but should be able to update this field

> for his own row.


> id | name | boss |col1 | col_privat

> --------------------------------

>  1 | boss | boss |  10 | boss privat

>  2 | joe  | boss |  20 | joe privat

>  3 | sue  | boss |  30 | sue privat


> boss should be able to edit all except col_privat for id=2 and 3, but he should

> be able update this column for id=1.

> Therefore i can't revoce the update-priv for this column.


> create policy enable_boss on <table> for update using

> (boss=current_user) with check (???)


> Is there a way to access old.* and new.* like within a trigger?

> (something like with check(old.col_privat=new.col_privat))




> Andreas

> --

> Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely

> unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)

> "If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)

> Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°



> --

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