Thread: Issues trying to run bdr_init_copy with new setup

Issues trying to run bdr_init_copy with new setup

Jorge Torralba
Just started playing with BDR. Originally setup the environment on two separate servers as per the quick start guid and used the sql commands to add nodes. Moving on to command line, I am running into some issues.

I am sure I am just overlooking something really simple. But, on the primary node I created two databases and created two groups. one within each database. No issues so far. However, now on the 2nd node, I want to add it to the cluster using bdr_init_copy. It partially works but then it dies as you can see below.


-bash-4.1$ rm -rf *

-bash-4.1$ bdr_init_copy -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.4-bdr/data -n node2 -d 'host= port=5432' --local-dbname='host= port=5432'

bdr_init_copy: starting ...

Getting remote server identification ...

Detected 2 BDR database(s) on remote server

Updating BDR configuration on the remote node:

 abc: validating BDR configuration ...

 abc: creating replication slot ...

 abc: creating node entry for local node ...

 xyz: validating BDR configuration ...

 xyz: creating replication slot ...

 xyz: creating node entry for local node ...

Creating base backup of the remote node...

44543/44543 kB (100%), 1/1 tablespace

Creating restore point on remote node ...

Bringing local node to the restore point ...

Transaction log reset

Initializing BDR on the local node:

 abc: adding the database to BDR cluster ...

Could not add local node to cluster, status PGRES_FATAL_ERROR: ERROR:  getting remote node id failed

DETAIL:  SELECT sysid, timeline, dboid FROM bdr.bdr_get_local_nodeid() failed with: ERROR:  schema "bdr" does not exist

CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT *                           FROM bdr_get_remote_nodeinfo(node_local_dsn)"

PL/pgSQL function internal_begin_join(text,text,text,text) line 41 at SQL statement

SQL statement "SELECT bdr.internal_begin_join(



        CASE WHEN node_local_dsn IS NULL THEN node_external_dsn ELSE node_local_dsn END,


PL/pgSQL function bdr_group_join(text,text,text,text,integer,text[]) line 21 at PERFORM


Jorge Torralba

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Re: Issues trying to run bdr_init_copy with new setup

Craig Ringer
On 17 June 2015 at 07:49, Jorge Torralba <> wrote:
> Just started playing with BDR. Originally setup the environment on two
> separate servers as per the quick start guid and used the sql commands to
> add nodes. Moving on to command line, I am running into some issues.

This has also been opened by Jorge as a github issue; see

so I'm following up there to avoid splitting the discussion.

Jorge, if you post the same thing multiple places, please link between
them! It saves considerable time and hassle.

 Craig Ringer         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services