Thread: cannot connect to database through ECPG but can through psql

cannot connect to database through ECPG but can through psql

Seann Reed
I'm a relative newbie to Postgres but I've asked a few colleagues about this problem without a solution, so I'm hoping someone on the list serve can help. 

The problem arose when I move to an upgraded operating system, an upgraded version of Postgres, and when I dump a database out of the old machine and restore it on a new machine.   

Old:  RedHat 5.9, Postgres 8.1.23
New: RedHat 6.6, Postgres 9.2

Everything worked fine with the old setup.  With the new setup, I can access my database through psql command-line.  However, I have a compiled program called 'Shefdecode' that makes queries to the database through ECPG and this program cannot access the database.  I get errors:

"Postgres error -220" and
"SQL STATE = 08003" (User manual says this means "The program tried to access a connection that does not exist.") 

Although I don't have the source for the Shefdecode program, I know it uses the environment variables PGUSER and PGHOST and also gets passed the database name.  I've checked to make sure these are correct.  

What else should I look for to try to determine the cause of this error?  

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Re: cannot connect to database through ECPG but can through psql

Andreas Kretschmer
Seann Reed <> wrote:

> Everything worked fine with the old setup.  With the new setup, I can access my
> database through psql command-line.  However, I have a compiled program called
> 'Shefdecode' that makes queries to the database through ECPG and this program
> cannot access the database.  I get errors:

My guess: psql connects via unix socket, that's works. The programm
tries to connect via tcp/ip - don't work.

Check if listen_adresses in your postgresql.conf is enabled.

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: cannot connect to database through ECPG but can through psql

Tom Lane
Seann Reed <> writes:
> I'm a relative newbie to Postgres but I've asked a few colleagues about
> this problem without a solution, so I'm hoping someone on the list serve
> can help.

> The problem arose when I move to an upgraded operating system, an upgraded
> version of Postgres, and when I dump a database out of the old machine and
> restore it on a new machine.

> Old:  RedHat 5.9, Postgres 8.1.23
> New: RedHat 6.6, Postgres 9.2

> Everything worked fine with the old setup.  With the new setup, I can
> access my database through psql command-line.  However, I have a compiled
> program called 'Shefdecode' that makes queries to the database through ECPG
> and this program cannot access the database.  I get errors:

> "Postgres error -220" and
> "SQL STATE = 08003" (User manual says this means "The program tried to
> access a connection that does not exist.")

> Although I don't have the source for the Shefdecode program, I know it uses
> the environment variables PGUSER and PGHOST and also gets passed the
> database name.  I've checked to make sure these are correct.

> What else should I look for to try to determine the cause of this error?

Postmaster's log might offer some insight, especially if you turn on

            regards, tom lane