Thread: psql sqlstate return code access

psql sqlstate return code access

"Little, Doug C"



I have a requirement to log into a table the completion code for each statement being submitted in a psql script.


I've looked around and can't seem to find how to access the sqlstate completion code.     Is there a system variable in psql  available or some other trick to get it?


For example 


insert into x select … from y;


insert into log(message, code,timestamp)  values('insert into x',:SQLSTATE,now());


where :SQLSTATE contains the completion code of the prior statement.


Thanks in advance




Doug Little


Re: psql sqlstate return code access

Luca Ferrari
On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:23 PM, Little, Doug C
<> wrote:
> insert into x select … from y;
> insert into log(message, code,timestamp)  values('insert into
> x',:SQLSTATE,now());

I'm pretty sure you have to wrap it into a plpgsql function:
Moreover, if the command executes correctly you would have no
exception and sql state will be 0.

Hope this helps.
