Thread: how to do merge in postgres ("with upsert as" not supported)

how to do merge in postgres ("with upsert as" not supported)

Tong Michael

hey, guys, I came across a merge statement when I'm trying to convert stored procedures from Mysql to Postgres:


merge into db.ChargePeriod d

using (

    select ba.ClientID

         , ba.BillingAccountID

         , bs.BillingScheduleID

         , @CodeWithholdD as WithholdTypeID

      from db.ClientPartyIDConfiguration cpc

      join db.BillingAccount ba

        on ba.Deleted = 0

       and ba.ClientID = cpc.ClientID

       and ba.PartyID = cpc.PartyID

       and convert(date,getdate()) between ba.EffectiveDate and ba.ExpireDate

      join db.BillingSchedule bs

        on bs.Deleted = 0

       and bs.ClientID = ba.ClientID

       and bs.CoverageBeginDate >= ba.EffectiveDate

       and bs.CoverageBeginDate <= ba.ExpireDate

    where cpc.Deleted = 0

       and cpc.ClientID = @ClientID

) s on d.Deleted = 0

   and d.ClientID = s.ClientID

   and d.BillingAccountID = s.BillingAccountID

   and d.BillingScheduleID = s.BillingScheduleID

  when matched

   and isNull(d.WithholdTypeID,-1) <> isNull(s.WithholdTypeID,-1)

  then update

   set WithholdTypeID = s.WithholdTypeID

     , UpdateUser     = @UpdateUser

     , UpdateDate     = @UpdateDate

  when not matched then insert (


         , BillingAccountID

         , BillingScheduleID

         , WithholdTypeID

         , CreateUser

         , CreateDate

         , Deleted

         , CancelDate

       ) values (


         , s.BillingAccountID

         , s.BillingScheduleID

         , s.WithholdTypeID

         , @UpdateUser

         , @UpdateDate

         , 0

         , '9999-12-31'




I saw some people use "with upsert as", but my pgAdmin version(1.8) doesn't support it. Anyone has any ideas how to do merge in postgres?



Re: how to do merge in postgres ("with upsert as" not supported)

Jim Nasby
On 2/26/15 2:23 PM, Tong Michael wrote:
> I saw some people use "with upsert as", but my pgAdmin version(1.8)
> doesn't support it. Anyone has any ideas how to do merge in postgres?____

Actually, this feature is in active development and will hopefully make
it into 9.5.

In the meantime, take a look at Example 40-2 in the Trapping Errors
section of the plpgsql docs for how you can do this today:
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble!

Re: how to do merge in postgres ("with upsert as" not supported)

Thomas Kellerer
Tong Michael schrieb am 26.02.2015 um 21:23:
> hey, guys, I came across a merge statement when I'm trying to convert stored procedures from Mysql to Postgres:____
> __ __
> merge into db.ChargePeriod d____
> using (____
>     select ba.ClientID____
> ...
> ...

That can't be MySQL - MySQL does not have a MERGE statement.
That looks much more like SQL Server's T-SQL (MERGE, @ style variables, convert() function...)

Here are several ways to do it:

> I saw some people use "with upsert as", but my pgAdmin version(1.8) doesn't support it.

pgAdmin supports whatever your Postgres version supports.
All supported/maintained Postgres versions support common table expressions.

What exactly do you mean with "doesn't support it"? What was the exact SQL statement you tried?