Thread: undefined struct 'pg_conn' on Windows7

undefined struct 'pg_conn' on Windows7

Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich
I install postgre from postgresql-9.3.5-3-windows-x64.exe file and try
use libpq.lib from it.
My system Windows7 ServicePack1 and I use VisualStudioExpress 12 for
write code.
I add path to <postgre_install_dir>\include and
<postgre_install_dir>\lib in project and include libpq-fe.h file.
Unfortunately when I try build project I get error "uses undefined
struct 'pg_conn'".
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you and excuse me for my bad english.

Best regards,
Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich

Re: undefined struct 'pg_conn' on Windows7

Albe Laurenz
Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich wrote:
> I install postgre from postgresql-9.3.5-3-windows-x64.exe file and try
> use libpq.lib from it.
> My system Windows7 ServicePack1 and I use VisualStudioExpress 12 for
> write code.
> I add path to <postgre_install_dir>\include and
> <postgre_install_dir>\lib in project and include libpq-fe.h file.
> Unfortunately when I try build project I get error "uses undefined
> struct 'pg_conn'".
> How can I solve this problem?

Can you show the C code?
Any chance that you use a variable of type "PGconn" when it should be "PGconn*" ?

Laurenz Albe

Re: undefined struct 'pg_conn' on Windows7

Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich
Albe Laurenz wrote on 10/29/2014 11:57 AM:

> Any chance that you use a variable of type "PGconn" when it should be "PGconn*" ?

Hello and thank you for your reply!
Yes, you right, problem solved after change PGconn on PGconn*.

Best regards,
Brilliantov Kirill Vladimirovich