Thread: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
Hi! I'm looking for finding ealiest possible start times from reservations table. People work from 10:00AM to 21:00PM in every week day except Sunday and public holidays. Jobs for them are reserved at 15 minute intervals and whole job must fit to single day. Job duration is from 15 minutes to 4 hours. Reservat table contains reservations, yksus2 table contains workes and pyha table contains public holidays. Table structures are below. Reservat structure can changed if this helps. How to first earliest 30 possible start times considering existing reservations ? For example, Mary has already reservation at 12:30 .. 16:00 and John has already reservation at 12:00 to 13:00 In this case query for job with duration of 1.5 hours should return John 2014-10-28 10:00 Mary 2014-10-28 10:00 John 2014-10-28 10:30 Mary 2014-10-28 10:30 Mary 2014-10-28 11:00 John 2014-10-28 13:00 Mary 2014-10-28 16:00 Mary 2014-10-28 16:30 ... etc and also starting from next days I tried query based on answer in below but it returns wrong result: MARY 2014-10-28 13:00:00 MARY 2014-10-29 22:34:40.850255 JOHN 2014-10-30 22:34:40.850255 MARY 2014-10-31 22:34:40.850255 MARY 2014-11-03 22:34:40.850255 Also sliding start times 10:00, 10:30 etc are not returned. How to get proper first reservations ? Query which I tried is insert into reservat (objekt2, during) values ('MARY', '[2014-10-28 11:30:00,2014-10-28 13:00:00)'), ('JOHN', '[2014-10-28 10:00:00,2014-10-28 11:30:00)'); with gaps as ( select yksus, upper(during) as start, lead(lower(during),1,upper(during)) over (ORDER BY during) - upper(during) as gap from ( select yksus2.yksus, during from reservat join yksus2 on reservat.objekt2=yksus2.yksus where upper(during)>= current_date union all select yksus2.yksus, unnest(case when pyha is not null then array[tsrange1(d, d + interval '1 day')] when date_part('dow', d) in (0, 6) then array[tsrange1(d, d + interval '1 day')] when d::date = current_Date then array[ tsrange1(d, current_timestamp ), tsrange1(d + interval '20 hours', d + interval '1 day')] else array[tsrange1(d, d + interval '8 hours'), tsrange1(d + interval '20 hours', d + interval '1 day')] end) from yksus2, generate_series( current_timestamp, current_timestamp + interval '1 month', interval '1 day' ) as s(d) left join pyha on pyha = d::date ) as x ) select yksus, start from gaps where gap >= interval'1hour 30 minutes' order by start limit 30 Schema: CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist; CREATE TABLE Reservat ( id serial primary key, objekt2 char(10) not null references yksus2 on update cascade deferrable, during tsrange not null check( lower(during)::date = upper(during)::date and lower(during) between current_date and current_date+ interval'1 month' and (lower(during)::time >= '10:00'::time and upper(during)::time < '21:00'::time) AND EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM lower(during)) IN (0, 15, 30,45) AND EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM upper(during)) IN (0, 15, 30, 45) and (date_part('dow', lower(during)) in (1,2,3,4,5,6) and date_part('dow', upper(during)) in (1,2,3,4,5,6)) ), EXCLUDE USING gist (objekt2 WITH =, during WITH &&) ); create or replace function holiday_check() returns trigger language plpgsql stable as $$ begin if exists (select * from pyha where pyha in (lower(NEW.during)::date, upper(NEW.during)::date)) then raise exception 'public holiday %', lower(NEW.during) ; else return NEW; end if; end; $$; create trigger holiday_check_i before insert or update on Reservat for each row execute procedure holiday_check(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tsrange1(start timestamp with time zone, finish timestamp with time zone ) RETURNS tsrange AS $BODY$ SELECT tsrange(start::timestamp without time zone, finish::timestamp without time zone ); $BODY$ language sql immutable; -- Workers create table yksus2( yksus char(10) primary key); insert into yksus2 values ('JOHN'), ('MARY'); -- public holidays create table pyha( pyha date primary key); I posted it also in Andrus.
Re: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
Thom Brown
On 28 October 2014 15:10, Andrus <> wrote:
Thom Hi!
I'm looking for finding ealiest possible start times from reservations table.
People work from 10:00AM to 21:00PM in every week day except Sunday and public holidays.
Jobs for them are reserved at 15 minute intervals and whole job must fit to single day.
Job duration is from 15 minutes to 4 hours.
Reservat table contains reservations, yksus2 table contains workes and
pyha table contains public holidays. Table structures are below. Reservat structure can changed if this helps.
How to first earliest 30 possible start times considering existing reservations ?
For example, Mary has already reservation at 12:30 .. 16:00 and
John has already reservation at 12:00 to 13:00
In this case query for job with duration of 1.5 hours should return
John 2014-10-28 10:00
Mary 2014-10-28 10:00
John 2014-10-28 10:30
Mary 2014-10-28 10:30
Mary 2014-10-28 11:00
John 2014-10-28 13:00
Mary 2014-10-28 16:00
Mary 2014-10-28 16:30
... etc and also starting from next days
I tried query based on answer in below but it returns wrong result:
MARY 2014-10-28 13:00:00
MARY 2014-10-29 22:34:40.850255
JOHN 2014-10-30 22:34:40.850255
MARY 2014-10-31 22:34:40.850255
MARY 2014-11-03 22:34:40.850255
Also sliding start times 10:00, 10:30 etc are not returned.
How to get proper first reservations ?
Query which I tried is
insert into reservat (objekt2, during) values
('MARY', '[2014-10-28 11:30:00,2014-10-28 13:00:00)'),
('JOHN', '[2014-10-28 10:00:00,2014-10-28 11:30:00)');
with gaps as (
upper(during) as start,
lead(lower(during),1,upper(during)) over (ORDER BY during) - upper(during) as gap
from (
from reservat join yksus2 on reservat.objekt2=yksus2.yksus
where upper(during)>= current_date
union all
when pyha is not null then array[tsrange1(d, d + interval '1 day')]
when date_part('dow', d) in (0, 6) then array[tsrange1(d, d + interval '1 day')]
when d::date = current_Date then array[
tsrange1(d, current_timestamp ),
tsrange1(d + interval '20 hours', d + interval '1 day')]
else array[tsrange1(d, d + interval '8 hours'),
tsrange1(d + interval '20 hours', d + interval '1 day')]
from yksus2, generate_series(
current_timestamp + interval '1 month',
interval '1 day'
) as s(d)
left join pyha on pyha = d::date
) as x
select yksus, start
from gaps
where gap >= interval'1hour 30 minutes'
order by start
limit 30
id serial primary key,
objekt2 char(10) not null references yksus2 on update cascade deferrable,
during tsrange not null check(
lower(during)::date = upper(during)::date
and lower(during) between current_date and current_date+ interval'1 month'
and (lower(during)::time >= '10:00'::time and upper(during)::time < '21:00'::time)
AND EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM lower(during)) IN (0, 15, 30,45)
AND EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM upper(during)) IN (0, 15, 30, 45)
and (date_part('dow', lower(during)) in (1,2,3,4,5,6)
and date_part('dow', upper(during)) in (1,2,3,4,5,6))
EXCLUDE USING gist (objekt2 WITH =, during WITH &&)
create or replace function holiday_check() returns trigger language plpgsql stable as $$
if exists (select * from pyha where pyha in (lower(NEW.during)::date, upper(NEW.during)::date)) then
raise exception 'public holiday %', lower(NEW.during) ;
return NEW;
end if;
create trigger holiday_check_i before insert or update on Reservat for each row execute procedure holiday_check();
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tsrange1(start timestamp with time zone,
finish timestamp with time zone ) RETURNS tsrange AS
SELECT tsrange(start::timestamp without time zone, finish::timestamp without time zone );
$BODY$ language sql immutable;
-- Workers
create table yksus2( yksus char(10) primary key);
insert into yksus2 values ('JOHN'), ('MARY');
-- public holidays
create table pyha( pyha date primary key);
I posted it also in
Would you be able to adapt this to your needs?:
CREATE TABLE yksus2 (yksus char(10) PRIMARY KEY);
id serial primary key,
objekt2 char(10) REFERENCES yksus2 (yksus),
during tstzrange
ALTER TABLE reservat ADD CONSTRAINT time_between_1000_and_2100
CHECK (lower(during) >= (lower(during)::date + '10:00'::time)::timestamptz
AND upper(during) < (upper(during)::date + '21:00+1'::time)::timestamptz);
ALTER TABLE reservat ADD CONSTRAINT time_at_15_min_offset
CHECK (extract(epoch from lower(during)::time)::int % (60*15) = 0);
ALTER TABLE reservat ADD CONSTRAINT duration_between_15min_and_4hours
CHECK (upper(during) - lower(during) between '15 mins'::interval and '4 hours'::interval);
INSERT INTO reservat (objekt2, during)
VALUES ('MARY','[2014-10-28 12:30+0,2014-10-28 16:00+0)'::tstzrange);
INSERT INTO reservat (objekt2, during)
VALUES ('JOHN','[2014-10-28 12:00+0,2014-10-28 13:00+0)'::tstzrange);
SELECT yksus2.yksus, times.period
FROM generate_series('2014-10-28 10:00+0'::timestamptz, '2014-10-28 21:00+0', '15 mins'::interval) times(period)
LEFT JOIN reservat ON tstzrange(times.period,times.period + '1 hour 30 mins'::interval, '[)') && reservat.during AND yksus2.yksus = reservat.objekt2
WHERE reservat.during IS NULL
yksus | period
JOHN | 2014-10-28 10:00:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 10:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 10:15:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 10:15:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 10:30:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 10:30:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 10:45:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 11:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 13:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 13:15:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 13:30:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 13:45:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 14:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 14:15:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 14:30:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 14:45:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 15:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 15:15:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 15:30:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 15:45:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 16:00:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 16:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 16:15:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 16:15:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 16:30:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 16:30:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 16:45:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 16:45:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-28 17:00:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-28 17:00:00+00
(30 rows)
Re: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
>Would you be able to adapt this to your needs?:
Thank you very much.
Great solution.
I refactored it as shown below.
Query returns only dates for single day. Changing limit clause to 300 does not return next day.
How to return other day dates also, excluding sundays and public holidays in pyha table ?
Testcase is:
create table pyha (pyha date primary key);
insert into pyha(pyha) values('2014-10-29');
create table yksus2(yksus char(10) primary key);
insert into yksus2 values ('JOHN'),('MARY');
reservat_id serial primary key,
objekt2 char(10) not null references yksus2 on update cascade deferrable,
during tstzrange not null,
EXCLUDE USING gist (objekt2 WITH =, during WITH &&),
CONSTRAINT same_date
CHECK (lower(during)::date = upper(during)::date),
CONSTRAINT max_1month_future
CHECK (lower(during) between current_date and current_date+ interval'1 month' ),
CONSTRAINT time_between_1000_and_2100
CHECK (lower(during)::time >= '10:00'::time and upper(during)::time < '21:00'::time),
CONSTRAINT lower_bound_included
CHECK (lower_inc(during)),
CONSTRAINT upper_bound_excluded
CHECK (not upper_inc(during)),
CONSTRAINT start_time_at_15minute_offset
CHECK (EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM lower(during)) IN (0, 15, 30,45)),
-- or (extract(epoch from lower(during)::time)::int % (60*15) = 0)
CONSTRAINT end_time_at_15minute_offset
CHECK (EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM upper(during)) IN (0, 15, 30,45)),
CONSTRAINT duration_between_15min_and_4hours
CHECK (upper(during) - lower(during) between '15 mins'::interval and '4 hours'::interval),
CONSTRAINT exclude_sundays
CHECK (date_part('dow', lower(during)) in (1,2,3,4,5,6) )
create or replace function holiday_check() returns trigger language plpgsql stable as $$
if exists (select * from pyha where pyha between lower(NEW.during)::date and upper(NEW.during)::date) then
raise exception 'public holiday %', lower(NEW.during) ;
return NEW;
end if;
create trigger holiday_check_i before insert or update on Reservat for each row execute procedure holiday_check();
INSERT INTO reservat (objekt2, during)
VALUES ('MARY','[2014-10-28 11:30+2,2014-10-28 13:00+2)'::tstzrange);
INSERT INTO reservat (objekt2, during)
VALUES ('JOHN','[2014-10-28 10:00+2,2014-10-28 11:30+2)'::tstzrange);
SELECT yksus2.yksus, times.period
FROM generate_series('2014-10-28 10:00+2'::timestamptz, '2014-10-28 21:00+2', '15 mins'::interval) times(period)
LEFT JOIN reservat ON tstzrange(times.period,times.period + '1 hour 30 mins'::interval, '[)') && reservat.during AND yksus2.yksus = reservat.objekt2
WHERE reservat.during IS NULL
LIMIT 300;
Re: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
Thom Brown
On 28 October 2014 19:14, Andrus <> wrote:
-- Hi!>Would you be able to adapt this to your needs?:Thank you very much.Great solution.I refactored it as shown below.Query returns only dates for single day. Changing limit clause to 300 does not return next day.How to return other day dates also, excluding sundays and public holidays in pyha table ?
It's not a robust solution if you need it to span days, but you could just increment the 2nd timestamptz parameter in the generate_series function call by a year:
generate_series('2014-10-28 10:00+2'::timestamptz, '2015-10-28 21:00+2', '15 mins'::interval)
It's hacky, but it should work, but if you happened to have a policy whereby reservations couldn't be made beyond, say, 3 months in advance, you could just give it a date 3 months in the future, and make sure that the first parameter is capped to the same range.
So here's an example of what you could do (although it could probably be simplified and made more elegant). Here it will find times from the current time until 3 months in the future. It also filters out holiday dates.
SELECT yksus2.yksus, times.period
FROM generate_series(now()::date::timestamptz, now()::date::timestamptz + '3 months'::interval, '15 mins'::interval) times(period)
LEFT JOIN reservat ON tstzrange(times.period,times.period + '1 hour 30 mins'::interval, '[)') && reservat.during
AND yksus2.yksus = reservat.objekt2
LEFT JOIN pyha ON times.period::date = pyha.pyha::date
WHERE reservat.during IS NULL
AND pyha.pyha IS NULL
AND times.period::time BETWEEN '10:00'::time AND '21:00'::time
AND times.period >= now()
LIMIT 300;
Re: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
Thom Brown
On 28 October 2014 20:04, Thom Brown <> wrote:
...On 28 October 2014 19:14, Andrus <> wrote:Hi!>Would you be able to adapt this to your needs?:Thank you very much.Great solution.I refactored it as shown below.Query returns only dates for single day. Changing limit clause to 300 does not return next day.How to return other day dates also, excluding sundays and public holidays in pyha table ?It's not a robust solution if you need it to span days, but you could just increment the 2nd timestamptz parameter in the generate_series function call by a year:generate_series('2014-10-28 10:00+2'::timestamptz, '2015-10-28 21:00+2', '15 mins'::interval)It's hacky, but it should work, but if you happened to have a policy whereby reservations couldn't be made beyond, say, 3 months in advance, you could just give it a date 3 months in the future, and make sure that the first parameter is capped to the same range.So here's an example of what you could do (although it could probably be simplified and made more elegant). Here it will find times from the current time until 3 months in the future. It also filters out holiday dates.SELECT yksus2.yksus, times.periodFROM generate_series(now()::date::timestamptz, now()::date::timestamptz + '3 months'::interval, '15 mins'::interval) times(period)CROSS JOIN yksus2LEFT JOIN reservat ON tstzrange(times.period,times.period + '1 hour 30 mins'::interval, '[)') && reservat.duringAND yksus2.yksus = reservat.objekt2LEFT JOIN pyha ON times.period::date = pyha.pyha::dateWHERE reservat.during IS NULLAND pyha.pyha IS NULLAND times.period::time BETWEEN '10:00'::time AND '21:00'::timeAND times.period >= now()ORDER BY 2, 1LIMIT 300;
A correction to this. As it stands, it will show times like the following:
yksus | period
JOHN | 2014-10-30 19:45:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 19:45:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-30 20:00:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 20:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-30 20:15:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 20:15:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-30 20:30:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 20:30:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-30 20:45:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 20:45:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-30 21:00:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 21:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-31 10:00:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-31 10:00:00+00
This is incorrect a 1.5 hour appointment after 19:30 would go beyond the working hours. So that needs to be factored into it:
SELECT yksus2.yksus, times.period
FROM generate_series(now()::date::timestamptz, now()::date::timestamptz + '3 months'::interval, '15 mins'::interval) times(period)
LEFT JOIN reservat ON tstzrange(times.period,times.period + '1 hour 30 mins'::interval, '[)') && reservat.during
AND yksus2.yksus = reservat.objekt2
LEFT JOIN pyha ON times.period::date = pyha.pyha::date
WHERE reservat.during IS NULL
AND pyha.pyha IS NULL
AND times.period::timetz BETWEEN '10:00'::timetz AND '21:00'::timetz - '1 hour 30 mins'::interval
AND times.period >= now()
LIMIT 300;
This gives you:
yksus | period
JOHN | 2014-10-30 19:15:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 19:15:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-30 19:30:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-30 19:30:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-31 10:00:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-31 10:00:00+00
JOHN | 2014-10-31 10:15:00+00
MARY | 2014-10-31 10:15:00+00
Re: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
>A correction to this. As it stands, it will show times like the following:
Thank you.
I posted your solution as alternative to Erwin answer in
Re: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
Thom Brown
On 28 October 2014 21:07, Andrus <> wrote:
Thom Hi!>A correction to this. As it stands, it will show times like the following:Thank you.I posted your solution as alternative to Erwin answer in
A further tweak; add the following to the WHERE clause:
AND EXTRACT(DOW FROM times.period) != 0
This will ensure Sundays are excluded. I don't know if you want Saturdays excluded, but you can easily adjust it for that.
Re: How to find earlest possible start times for given duration excluding reservations
Hi! >A further tweak; add the following to the WHERE clause: >AND EXTRACT(DOW FROM times.period) != 0 I changed it to isodow to work in any locale. Your solution is more readable but Erwin answer in SO looks more optimized. I have 10 workes and 1 month reservation with 15 minute offsess from 8 to 20:00, so perfomance is hopafully not an issue. Which to use ? Using current_date in check constraint causes database restore failure. not valid should be added or this check should be moved to holydays check trigger. Andrus.