Thread: Use of 'now' constant datatype in view to take advantage of partitioned table

Use of 'now' constant datatype in view to take advantage of partitioned table

Patrick Dung
Hi Postgresql users,

I have a master table with two partition table (food_2013p, food_2014p).

I found that when I use SELECT + 'now' constant, constraint exclusion works, (it skipped the 2013 partition).

   FROM food
 WHERE food.post_timestamp >= ('now'::date - interval '1 month')::date AND food.post_timestamp <= 'now'
  ORDER BY food.post_timestamp  DESC
 LIMIT 30;

But when I put the query inside view, 'now' is converted to the timestamp when I run the create view.
So the view becomes:
  WHERE food.post_timestamp >= ('2014-08-21'::date - '1 mon'::interval)::date AND food.post_timestamp <= '2014-08-21 13:38:29.642347'::timestamp without time zone

This is not dynamic.
When I use now(), the query will scan other partition tables. I know this is a restriction of partition on non-immutable function.

Would it be possible or a feature request to take advantage of the partition table with query like this?

Thanks and regards,