Thread: postgres_fdw - push down conditionals for ENUMs

postgres_fdw - push down conditionals for ENUMs

Sergiy Zuban

It's well known that pushing down of WHERE conditions supported for 
built-in data types, operators and functions only. 

So if your main table has columns declared with custom domain (CREATE DOMAIN ID_TYPE AS INT NOT NULL) and you want just to proxy all queries over FDW foreign table needs to be declared as INT. This approach works fine for any domain based on build-in type. But ENUM is a special case. When I declare foreign table with TEXT column it accepts all queries like SELECT * FROM proxy WHERE status = 'active', but 'active' pushed down with explicit type cast 'active'::text and this creates a problem because origin server expects ENUM value ('active' or 'active'::STATUS_TYPE) rather than TEXT. 

CREATE CAST (TEXT as STATUS_TYPE) WITH function to_status_type(text) AS IMPLICIT; 

All attempts to cast text to ENUM type were unsuccessful (probably because PostgreSQL converts ENUM values to INTs on query rewriting stage, but casting works later, when data accessed): 


Casting in reverse direction works fine, but this dirty trick forces PostgreSQL to convert ENUMs to TEXT (which is less optimal as working internally with INTs) for absolutely all requests, not only forwarded over FDW. 

Questions to developers: 

1. Is there any plans to add "non-strict mode" (configurable via options on server/table/column level) to allow pushing down conditions for all data types? 

2. There is an option that allows to map foreign table column to column with another name. What about adding another option to specify column type to be send to remote server? 


Tested on 9.3.4 
Sergiy Zuban

Re: postgres_fdw - push down conditionals for ENUMs

Tom Lane
Sergiy Zuban <> writes:
> 1. Is there any plans to add "non-strict mode" (configurable via options on
> server/table/column level) to allow pushing down conditions for all data
> types?

No.  You might as well call it a "return random answers" mode.

> 2. There is an option that allows to map foreign table column to column
> with another name. What about adding another option to specify column type
> to be send to remote server?

Same problem.  We don't have any way of knowing whether type foo on the
remote end acts like foo locally.

            regards, tom lane

Re: postgres_fdw - push down conditionals for ENUMs

Sergiy Zuban
> 1. Is there any plans to add "non-strict mode" (configurable via options on
> server/table/column level) to allow pushing down conditions for all data
> types?

No.  You might as well call it a "return random answers" mode.

Its bad. I think most users would be happy to have "auto discovery" mode when foreign table fetches all required meta info to act like original table.

> 2. There is an option that allows to map foreign table column to column
> with another name. What about adding another option to specify column type
> to be send to remote server?

Same problem.  We don't have any way of knowing whether type foo on the
remote end acts like foo locally

I understand it breaks all logic how FDW works internally, but I'm still trying to find some workaround to allow pushing down conditions for enums.

  CREATE CAST (TEXT as STATUS_TYPE) WITH function to_status_type(text) AS IMPLICIT; 

Could you please confirm such cast won't work because PostgreSQL converts ENUM values to INTs (enumtypid) on query rewriting stage, but casting works later, when data accessed?
I was thinking about looking up "enumtypid" in pg_enum by "enumlabel", but I couldn't find any way to force PostgreSQL to somehow use found enumtypid instead of original text.

Re: postgres_fdw - push down conditionals for ENUMs

Sergiy Zuban
> 1. Is there any plans to add "non-strict mode" (configurable via options on
> server/table/column level) to allow pushing down conditions for all data
> types?

No.  You might as well call it a "return random answers" mode.

Its bad. I think most users would be happy to have "auto discovery" mode when foreign table fetches all required meta info to act like original table.
Since 9.5 has IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA don't you think that foreign tables can be marked as "imported". This 100% guarantees that all user-defined data types/domains (including ENUMs) imported as well. It should be safe to push down conditionals for imported types. Does it makes sense?