Thread: could not rename temporary statistics file "/run/shm/pgstat.tmp" to "/run/shm/pgstat.stat": No such file or directory


since I have enabled "stats_temp_directory = '/run/shm'" in
/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf I get the following error:

2014-04-21 02:37:29 CEST LOG:  could not rename temporary statistics
file "/run/shm/pgstat.tmp" to "/run/shm/pgstat.stat": No such file or

/var/run/shm# ls -rtl
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 312211 Apr 22 11:31 pgstat.stat

There is no "/run/shm/pgstat.tmp" file but if I create it and change the
owner to postgres the file will be removed few minutes later.

How can explain and how can I solve this "error"?
