On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:50 PM, Eliott <eliott100@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear community,
> I've just noticed that in one of our databases many duplicate tables had appeared all ending in _copy. These tables
areowned by postgres not the db owner user, other than that they seem to be a replica from a specific time in the past.
Isuspect that a failed backup might have cased these, but I am not sure. I couldn't find any info tables ending in
_copyand also I thought that backups run in a transaction so even if they create temporary tables, they should
disappeareven when the backups fail.
> Can you confirm that this was due to a failed backup?
It’s not.
It sounds like something that a client app would do, possibly as part of a (failed) data migration. What app is using
> Is it safe to delete all _copy tables? Should I do any additional housekeeping to clean this up?