Thread: Audit database to recreate former states using JSON functions

Audit database to recreate former states using JSON functions

"Felix Kunde"


last december I've delvoped a few PL/pgSQL functions to log

all changes in my database and recreate former database states.

I used row_to_json to log and json_populate_recordset to reproduce

my tables. I think it's cool feature and I like to share and discuss it

with you. I would be very happy to recieve some feedback. I'm also

interested in other versioning approaches, if there are (?).


You can find the repository here:

I've written all the relevant stuff into the README.


At last, I really like to thank Hans-Jürgen Schönig (

for giving me the advice to use JSON functions. This made the whole

developement way more easy.


Have a great day.
