Thread: A view representing a schedule for all days into the future

A view representing a schedule for all days into the future

Adam Mackler

I recently posted a question on stackoverflow, but I suspect it may
require specific PostgreSQL knowledge, so I'm cross-posting a
reference to it here.

The gist is that I have information representing companies' daily
schedules in some tables, and I want to be able to do a SELECT to get
the business hours for any given day, arbitrarily far into the future
(and past, but I can live with a limit in that direction).  I want to
encapsulate any messy SQL in a single location where it can be hidden
from client usage, presumably in a view.

I currently have a user-defined function that returns the results I
want, but the problem is in the invocation: Some host-language client
libraries aren't so graceful with user-defined functions, especially
when they return multiple rows of multiple columns.  I would like to
be able to do a simple table-style SELECT query, presumably on a view.
But if I can put any date into the WHERE clause, then that means the
view would represent a table with an infinite number of rows, would it

The posting on SO clarifies the specifics of what I'm trying to.  It
seems like there ought to be a way, but I haven't figured it out.

Thanks very much.
Adam Mackler