Thread: Source code and database object identifiers

Source code and database object identifiers

brad st
Hi all,
  We are planning to add PostgreSQL database support to our application. We have run into the issue of where in PostgreSQL is converting all the database object identifiers into lower case. I understand that's the how PostgreSQL works and I can double quote the identifiers and preserve the camel case. Unfortunately I cannot double quote the identifiers and need to preserve the camel case (mixed case) for the identifiers for our application to work.

I wouldn't mind changing the source code to help us in this issue. I have set up the debug environment on eclipse and able to compile + debug the PostgreSQL.

Can someone please provide some guidance where I should make the changes to preserve mixed case for identifiers?

Thank you

Re: Source code and database object identifiers

Tom Lane
brad st <> writes:
>   We are planning to add PostgreSQL database support to our application. We
> have run into the issue of where in PostgreSQL is converting all the
> database object identifiers into lower case. I understand that's the how
> PostgreSQL works and I can double quote the identifiers and preserve the
> camel case. Unfortunately I cannot double quote the identifiers and need to
> preserve the camel case (mixed case) for the identifiers for our
> application to work.

You would really, really, really be better off fixing your application
to double-quote as needed.  Otherwise you're locking yourself into an
entirely nonstandard variant of SQL.

> Can someone please provide some guidance where I should make the changes to
> preserve mixed case for identifiers?

Well, it's not exactly hard to lobotomize downcase_truncate_identifier,
or maybe better s/downcase_truncate_identifier/truncate_identifier/g in
parser/scan.l.  The problem is dealing with all the ensuing breakage.
The first thing I imagine you'd hit is that there's general lack of
consistency among applications as to whether the names of built-in
functions are spelled in upper or lower case; this is partly because
many of those names are actually keywords according to the standard.

            regards, tom lane