Thread: my-post-engine, let's make MySQL speak to PostgreSQL

my-post-engine, let's make MySQL speak to PostgreSQL


I just "released" (aka made known to more people than me and my desk-neighboors)
a tiny tool that may come handy to some people.
It's a MySQL "plugin" (their definition of plugin is flabbergasting) that
provides a postgres storage engine in a MySQL instance.
It's usable both for select/update/insert/delete, and already supports some of
the MySQL specific idioms (LAST_INSERT_ID for instance).
It ain't no universal migration tool, no magic tool, but it may help people who
needs to use both MySQL and PostgreSQL, or need MySQL-only applications to read
data from PostgreSQL databases…

If anyone is interested, feel free to test it/comment/report bugs/fork it…

More information here :