Thread: PG under OpenVZ?

PG under OpenVZ?

François Beausoleil

I've found an old thread on OpenVZ:


And a more recent question that scared me a bit:


On the PostgreSQL general mailing list, I've only found 54 results when searching for OpenVZ. I'm wondering if OpenVZ
issimply unpopular, or not used at all for PG. What experiences do you have with OpenVZ? Any performance problems? 

We're buying bare metal to run our clusters on, and the supplier is late delivering the machines. They suggested
lendingus a machine and run PostgreSQL under OpenVZ. When the real hardware is ready, we'd migrate the VZ over to the
newphysical servers. Thoughts on this? 

I have no experience with OpenVZ itself, so if you have general comments about it's stability and/or performance, even
unrelatedto PostgreSQL, I'd appreciate. 


Re: PG under OpenVZ?

Benjamin Henrion
On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:53 PM, François Beausoleil
<> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've found an old thread on OpenVZ:
> (2008):
> And a more recent question that scared me a bit:
> (2011):
> On the PostgreSQL general mailing list, I've only found 54 results when searching for OpenVZ. I'm wondering if OpenVZ
issimply unpopular, or not used at all for PG. What experiences do you have with OpenVZ? Any performance problems? 
> We're buying bare metal to run our clusters on, and the supplier is late delivering the machines. They suggested
lendingus a machine and run PostgreSQL under OpenVZ. When the real hardware is ready, we'd migrate the VZ over to the
newphysical servers. Thoughts on this? 
> I have no experience with OpenVZ itself, so if you have general comments about it's stability and/or performance,
evenunrelated to PostgreSQL, I'd appreciate. 

I run all my PG productions/tests servers on openvz, you just have to
be careful to have swap activated, and SHMPAGES tuned, as well as

Otherwise it runs like a charm.

Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at>
FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-3500762
"In July 2005, after several failed attempts to legalise software
patents in Europe, the patent establishment changed its strategy.
Instead of explicitly seeking to sanction the patentability of
software, they are now seeking to create a central European patent
court, which would establish and enforce patentability rules in their
favor, without any possibility of correction by competing courts or
democratically elected legislators."

Re: PG under OpenVZ?

Jasen Betts
On 2012-11-13, François Beausoleil <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've found an old thread on OpenVZ:
> (2008):
> And a more recent question that scared me a bit:
> (2011):
> On the PostgreSQL general mailing list, I've only found 54 results when searching for OpenVZ. I'm wondering if OpenVZ
issimply unpopular, or not used at all for PG. What experiences do you have with OpenVZ? Any performance problems? 
> We're buying bare metal to run our clusters on, and the supplier is late delivering the machines. They suggested
lendingus a machine and run PostgreSQL under OpenVZ. When the real hardware is ready, we'd migrate the VZ over to the
newphysical servers. Thoughts on this? 
> I have no experience with OpenVZ itself, so if you have general
> comments about it's stability and/or performance, even unrelated to
> PostgreSQL, I'd appreciate.

We run several database clusters under openvz. I have nothing to report.

openvz is pseudo-virtualisation.  All the processes run under the
host kernal and appear in the proc-table, and use the host systems
filesystem and device drivers. they just see different filesystems
and resource limits according to their vz.

this basically means running the clusters under openvz is not
radically different from running them all on the host system

⚂⚃ 100% natural

Re: PG under OpenVZ?

Frank Lanitz
Am 2012-11-13 14:53, schrieb François Beausoleil:
> Hi!
> I've found an old thread on OpenVZ:
> (2008):
> And a more recent question that scared me a bit:
> (2011):
> On the PostgreSQL general mailing list, I've only found 54 results
> when searching for OpenVZ. I'm wondering if OpenVZ is simply
> unpopular, or not used at all for PG. What experiences do you have
> with OpenVZ? Any performance problems?
> We're buying bare metal to run our clusters on, and the supplier is
> late delivering the machines. They suggested lending us a machine and
> run PostgreSQL under OpenVZ. When the real hardware is ready, we'd
> migrate the VZ over to the new physical servers. Thoughts on this?
> I have no experience with OpenVZ itself, so if you have general
> comments about it's stability and/or performance, even unrelated to
> PostgreSQL, I'd appreciate.

Running a small PG-Server for private purposes on openVZ. Cannot
complain so far.
