Thread: Full text search ts_heading strange result

Full text search ts_heading strange result

Johann Spies
I am beginning to use the full text search facilities in Postgresql
(9.0) and find the result of this query a bit strange:


SELECT  ts_headline('simple',title, to_tsquery('kerkreg|(church & polity)'))
from akb_articles A
where A.tsv@@ 'kerkreg|(church & polity)'


"Kerkvereniging en <b>Kerkreg</b>: Geskiedenis, beginsel en praktyk.(<b>Church</b> unity and <b>church</b> polity:
History,principle and practice.)" 

Why is 'polity' not highlighted?


Johann Spies                            Telefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

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      also on the things of others."        Philippians 2:4
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Re: Full text search ts_heading strange result

Tom Lane
Johann Spies <> writes:
> I am beginning to use the full text search facilities in Postgresql
> (9.0) and find the result of this query a bit strange:

> query:

> SELECT  ts_headline('simple',title, to_tsquery('kerkreg|(church & polity)'))
> from akb_articles A
> where A.tsv@@ 'kerkreg|(church & polity)'

> Result

> "Kerkvereniging en <b>Kerkreg</b>: Geskiedenis, beginsel en praktyk.(<b>Church</b> unity and <b>church</b> polity:
History,principle and practice.)" 

> Why is 'polity' not highlighted?

I believe the problem is that the one-argument form of to_tsquery() uses
the default TS configuration, which you have probably not got set to
"simple".  For me, the default TS configuration is "english", which will
stem "polity" as "politi":

regression=# select to_tsquery('(polity & church)');
 'politi' & 'church'
(1 row)

However the "simple" configuration doesn't do anything to that lexeme:

regression=# select to_tsquery('simple', '(polity & church)');
 'polity' & 'church'
(1 row)

So what you've got is ts_headline() parsing the given title against
the "simple" configuration and getting "polity", but the tsquery is
looking for "politi", hence no match.

In short: omit the 'simple' argument from the ts_headline call, and
things should play together better.  You could alternatively insert
to_tsquery('simple', '(polity & church)'), but that won't exactly
match what the @@ in WHERE is doing: that's going to use the default

            regards, tom lane

Re: Full text search ts_heading strange result

Johann Spies
Hallo Tom,

> I believe the problem is that the one-argument form of to_tsquery() uses
> the default TS configuration, which you have probably not got set to
> "simple".  For me, the default TS configuration is "english", which will
> stem "polity" as "politi":
> regression=# select to_tsquery('(polity & church)');
>      to_tsquery
> ---------------------
>  'politi' & 'church'
> (1 row)
> However the "simple" configuration doesn't do anything to that lexeme:

Thanks for the explanation.  I am working with a multi-language database
and that was the reason for using the 'simple' configuration.

I have asked, in an earlier message on this list, advice on how to
handle full text searches in a multi-language database, but got no
reaction to it.  If there is a better way than using the 'simple'
configuration in this case, I would gladly try it.


Johann Spies                            Telefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

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      it shall be given him."              James 1:5
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Re: Full text search ts_heading strange result

Craig Ringer
On 07/26/2012 02:14 PM, Johann Spies wrote:
> Hallo Tom,
>> I believe the problem is that the one-argument form of to_tsquery() uses
>> the default TS configuration, which you have probably not got set to
>> "simple".  For me, the default TS configuration is "english", which will
>> stem "polity" as "politi":
>> regression=# select to_tsquery('(polity & church)');
>>       to_tsquery
>> ---------------------
>>   'politi' & 'church'
>> (1 row)
>> However the "simple" configuration doesn't do anything to that lexeme:
> Thanks for the explanation.  I am working with a multi-language database
> and that was the reason for using the 'simple' configuration.
> I have asked, in an earlier message on this list, advice on how to
> handle full text searches in a multi-language database, but got no
> reaction to it.  If there is a better way than using the 'simple'
> configuration in this case, I would gladly try it.
You'll need to store language information alongside each text value if
you want to do anything more sophisticated. If you have mixed languages
within a single text value or if you don't store information about the
language a text value is in then you're largely out of luck.

Craig Ringer

Re: Full text search ts_heading strange result

Johann Spies
On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 04:19:02PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:

> You'll need to store language information alongside each text value
> if you want to do anything more sophisticated.

I was afraid that that will be the case :)

I will have to update more than 320000 entries which currently have
inconsistent language indications and some of them none at all.

Thanks for responding.


Johann Spies                            Telefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

     "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that
      giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and
      it shall be given him."              James 1:5
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Re: Full text search ts_heading strange result

Tom Lane
Johann Spies <> writes:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 04:19:02PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
>> You'll need to store language information alongside each text value
>> if you want to do anything more sophisticated.

> I was afraid that that will be the case :)

I'm not sure that there's anything horribly wrong with the strategy
of using "simple" for everything.  You won't get language-aware stemming,
but maybe you don't need that.  The problem with what you originally
posted was not that "simple" was inadequate, but that you weren't
applying it consistently --- you didn't have
default_text_search_configuration set to match.

            regards, tom lane