Thread: Writing data to a text file based on a trigger event...

Writing data to a text file based on a trigger event...

Hi ,

I am basically a MySQL DBA and have little idea on PostgreSQL. In our
environment we have an application which is using PostgreSQL as its back
end. The application logs the status of the jobs running in it to a table in
this database i.e when a job starts it inserts a new row to this table and
it keeps on updating the column `status` based on the status of the job
running. So the requirement that we have is I need to capture certain status
values and based on it need to through alert to our centralized monitoring

What I need to know is it possible to write a trigger which will write the
data of the row whose status column gets updated to a text file?

Thanks & Regards

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Re: Writing data to a text file based on a trigger event...

François Beausoleil

Le jeudi 12 avril 2012 à 06:58, raghupradeep a écrit :

> What I need to know is it possible to write a trigger which will write the
> data of the row whose status column gets updated to a text file?

I would advise simply INSERTing the old values into a new table. This would be more flexible in the end, as you could
exportto a file, or run queries, or whatever. 

The trigger would be an ON UPDATE, and very similar to the auditing trigger at

Welcome to PostgreSQL! Hope that helps!

Re: Writing data to a text file based on a trigger event...

Jasen Betts
On 2012-04-12, raghupradeep <> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I am basically a MySQL DBA and have little idea on PostgreSQL. In our
> environment we have an application which is using PostgreSQL as its back
> end. The application logs the status of the jobs running in it to a table in
> this database i.e when a job starts it inserts a new row to this table and
> it keeps on updating the column `status` based on the status of the job
> running. So the requirement that we have is I need to capture certain status
> values and based on it need to through alert to our centralized monitoring
> system.
> What I need to know is it possible to write a trigger which will write the
> data of the row whose status column gets updated to a text file?

you mean like "RAISE LOG" does? or do you have specific requirements?

⚂⚃ 100% natural

Re: Writing data to a text file based on a trigger event...

Tomas Vondra
On 12.4.2012 12:58, raghupradeep wrote:
> Hi ,
> I am basically a MySQL DBA and have little idea on PostgreSQL. In our
> environment we have an application which is using PostgreSQL as its back
> end. The application logs the status of the jobs running in it to a table in
> this database i.e when a job starts it inserts a new row to this table and
> it keeps on updating the column `status` based on the status of the job
> running. So the requirement that we have is I need to capture certain status
> values and based on it need to through alert to our centralized monitoring
> system.
> What I need to know is it possible to write a trigger which will write the
> data of the row whose status column gets updated to a text file?


as the others already suggested, it's much easier to do this inside a
database, i.e. storing the data inside the database itself and writing a
simple script to read them. Most monitoring systems I'm aware of (e.g.
nagios) support this out of the box.

But if you really need to write the data to a file, you may look at this
contrib module (called "extension" since 9.1)

You may either use that directly or use that as an inspiration to write
your own C extension (it's quite simple).

Just be careful about granting the execution rights to regular users,
it's probably better to wrap the function in your own functions with
fixed (or properly checked) filenames.


Re: Writing data to a text file based on a trigger event...

Vincent Veyron
Le dimanche 15 avril 2012 à 15:43 +0200, Tomas Vondra a écrit :

> But if you really need to write the data to a file, you may look at this
> contrib module (called "extension" since 9.1)
> You may either use that directly or use that as an inspiration to write
> your own C extension (it's quite simple).

I use plperlu in the function below (update_coll_list) to rewrite a
series of files; it is used by a trigger on the table (tblcollectivite).
The function only rewrites the files if one particular field (libelle)
was modified.

Documentation is here :

CREATE TRIGGER "tblcollectivite_after_update" AFTER UPDATE OR DELETE OR

#fonction de re-création des listes alphabétiques des collectivités

    #inutile de tout réécrire si le libelle n'a pas changé
    return if ( ( $_TD->{event} eq 'UPDATE' )  and
( $_TD->{new}{libelle} eq $_TD->{old}{libelle}) );

    my $id_client = ( $_TD->{event} eq 'DELETE' ) ?
$_TD->{old}{id_client} : $_TD->{new}{id_client};

    #répertoire de stockage des fichiers écrits par la procédure
    my $storage_dir =

    #la requête qui ramène les données
    my $rv = spi_exec_query("SELECT id_collectivite, libelle FROM
tblcollectivite WHERE id_client=$id_client ORDER BY 2");

    #le fichier 'all' qui liste toutes les collectivités
    open my $fh, ">$storage_dir/all" or elog(ERROR, qq{could not open
file $storage_dir/all : $?});

    my %list;

    #exécuter la requête, compter les lignes
    my $nrows = $rv->{processed};

    #pour chaque ligne, imprimer le nom
    foreach my $rn (0 .. $nrows - 1) {

        my $row = $rv->{rows}[$rn];

    my $libelle = $row->{id_collectivite} . ';' . $row->{libelle} . "\n";

    print $fh $libelle;

    my $initial = lc(substr($row->{libelle},0,1));

    die "non alphabétique : $libelle" if $initial !~/[a-z]/i;

    $list{$initial} .= $libelle;

    #elog(INFO, qq {$list{$initial} });


    close $fh;

for ('a'..'z') {

    my $initial_file = $storage_dir . '/' . $_;

    open my $new_fh, ">$initial_file" or elog(ERROR, qq{could not open
file $initial_file : $!});

    print $new_fh $list{$_};

    #elog(INFO, qq {file: $initial_file / $list{$_} });

    close $new_fh;



$$ LANGUAGE plperlu;

Vincent Veyron
Logiciel de gestion des sinistres assurances et des dossiers contentieux pour le service juridique