Thread: Slow COMMIT statements

Slow COMMIT statements

"Felix Feinhals"
Hello List,
2011-12-07 11:52:52 CET 8075 xxx [local]LOG:  duration: 1168.953 ms  statement: COMMIT
2011-12-07 11:52:52 CET 7327 xxx [local]LOG:  duration: 1116.119 ms  statement: COMMIT
2011-12-07 11:52:52 CET 31727 xxx  [local]LOG:  duration: 1131.044 ms  statement: COMMIT
2011-12-07 11:52:52 CET 25077 xxx [local]LOG:  duration: 1064.599 ms  statement: COMMIT
these messages show up in the postgresql logs at irregular intervals. We got no slow queries before or after these statements. Checkpoint logging is enabled also but these don't show up either, well they do but minutes later ;).
I would like to debug these slow COMMITs but don't know what is causing them.
The server itself is idling most of the time... with a load avg around 1-2(with 64 cores) and iowait around 0.5 - 1%.
Notable changes from default config:
log_min_duration_statement = 500
log_checkpoints = on
checkpoint_segments = 40
