Thread: Domains as typedefs: Performance and automatic casting

Domains as typedefs: Performance and automatic casting

hernan gonzalez
I plan to define two domains with no contraints, sort of typedefs, to
work with date-times inside my application:

 CREATE DOMAIN instant AS timestamp(3) with time zone;
 CREATE DOMAIN localdatetime AS timestamp(3) without time zone;

Two questions:

1. I guess that there is no performance penalty in using such a DOMAIN
Am I right?

2. I see that PG does automatic (implicit casting)  between  TIMESTAMP
it accept one type in place of the other (a dangerous thing, IMO, as
the conversion is sensitive to the current
timezone) ; the same happens for these DOMAINs .
I guess that I must live with this, now way to disallow it... Am I right?

Hernán J. González