Thread: Using data for column names in plpgsql

Using data for column names in plpgsql

Jake Stride

I'm attempting to do some partitioning in a database and am wondering
if I can use the data being inserted to insert into new schema.

I have the following in the public schema:

create table test (id serial, note varchar not null, schema varchar not null)

then create a schema:

create schema "1-2-3";
create schema "4-5-6";

and 2 tables:

create table "1-2-3".test () inherits public.test;
create table "1-2-3".test () inherits public.test;

I then want something similar to:

create or replace function test() returns trigger as $$ begin insert
into NEW.schema.test values (NEW.*); return null; end; $$ language
create trigger test_insert before insert on test for each row execute
procedure test();

so that:

insert into test (schema, note) values ('1-2-3', 'some note data');

would result in the data going into the table "1-2-3".test

This doesn't work as expected as the "NEW.schema.test" isn't
substituted with "1-2-3". I don't think I can use an if statement as I
will have an unknown number of schemas.


Re: Using data for column names in plpgsql

Merlin Moncure
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Jake Stride <> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm attempting to do some partitioning in a database and am wondering
> if I can use the data being inserted to insert into new schema.
> I have the following in the public schema:
> create table test (id serial, note varchar not null, schema varchar not null)
> then create a schema:
> create schema "1-2-3";
> create schema "4-5-6";
> and 2 tables:
> create table "1-2-3".test () inherits public.test;
> create table "1-2-3".test () inherits public.test;
> I then want something similar to:
> create or replace function test() returns trigger as $$ begin insert
> into NEW.schema.test values (NEW.*); return null; end; $$ language
> plpgsql;
> create trigger test_insert before insert on test for each row execute
> procedure test();
> so that:
> insert into test (schema, note) values ('1-2-3', 'some note data');
> would result in the data going into the table "1-2-3".test
> This doesn't work as expected as the "NEW.schema.test" isn't
> substituted with "1-2-3". I don't think I can use an if statement as I
> will have an unknown number of schemas.

You can do it with 'execute' with some record to text (and back) kung
fu, or an hstore, but this is not a good approach in a high
performance trigger.  Another method is to proxy the insert through a
pure sql (not plpgsql) function and mess with the search_path before
calling it.
