Thread: Hide db name and user name in process list arguments

Hide db name and user name in process list arguments

"Gavrina, Irina"



On Unix systems Postgres process list can be  accessible through ‘ps’ utility:
ps auxww | grep ^postgres
$ ps auxww | grep ^postgres
postgres   960  0.0  1.1  6104 1480 pts/1    SN   13:17   0:00 postmaster -i
postgres   963  0.0  1.1  7084 1472 pts/1    SN   13:17   0:00 postgres: stats buffer process   
postgres   965  0.0  1.1  6152 1512 pts/1    SN   13:17   0:00 postgres: stats collector process   
postgres   998  0.0  2.3  6532 2992 pts/1    SN   13:18   0:00 postgres: tgl runbug idle
postgres  1003  0.0  2.4  6532 3128 pts/1    SN   13:19   0:00 postgres: tgl regression [local] SELECT waiting
postgres  1016  0.1  2.4  6532 3080 pts/1    SN   13:19   0:00 postgres: tgl regression [local] idle in transaction
And each client connection has its command line which displays in form:

postgres: user database host activity

Is there any way to hide dbname and user name in displayed arguments of client connections?




Re: Hide db name and user name in process list arguments

Thomas Kellerer
Gavrina, Irina, 16.02.2011 15:50:
> Hi,
> On Unix systems Postgres process list can be    accessible through‘ps’  utility:
> ps auxww | grep ^postgres
> $ ps auxww | grep ^postgres
> postgres      960    0.0    1.1    6104 1480 pts/1        SN      13:17      0:00 postmaster -i
> postgres      963    0.0    1.1    7084 1472 pts/1        SN      13:17      0:00 postgres: stats buffer process
> postgres      965    0.0    1.1    6152 1512 pts/1        SN      13:17      0:00 postgres: stats collector process
> postgres      998    0.0    2.3    6532 2992 pts/1        SN      13:18      0:00 postgres: tgl runbug idle
> postgres    1003    0.0    2.4    6532 3128 pts/1        SN      13:19      0:00 postgres: tgl regression [local]
> postgres    1016    0.1    2.4    6532 3080 pts/1        SN      13:19      0:00 postgres: tgl regression [local]
idlein transaction 
> And each client connection has its command line which displays in form:
> postgres: /user//database//host//activity/
> Is there any way to hide dbname and user name in displayed arguments of client connections?

I think that's what the configuration property update_process_title is for.


Re: Hide db name and user name in process list arguments

Tom Lane
Thomas Kellerer <> writes:
> Gavrina, Irina, 16.02.2011 15:50:
>> Is there any way to hide dbname and user name in displayed arguments of client connections?

> I think that's what the configuration property update_process_title is for.

No, that's just meant to suppress the overhead of updating the title for
each command.  It doesn't prevent backends from advertising their dbname
and username once at startup.  I think you'd have to modify the source
code to do that.

            regards, tom lane


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