Thread: Re: Update existing system explicit cast to make it implicit

Re: Update existing system explicit cast to make it implicit

"Tom Lane" <> napisał(a):
 > writes:
 > > I am trying to use bit(1) datatype with existing application that used int datatype before.
 > > So I tried to create implicit cast that will allow me not to make code modifications and wanted to create implicit
cast"int2bit", but it turned out that there is already system cast. 
 > > Unfortunately this cast is explicit and I need to make it implicit (it can be made implicit only for one schema).
 > You will likely find that this is a really bad idea.  Implicit
 > casts between fundamentally different datatypes are *dangerous*.
 > They tend to result in either surprising query behaviors or unexpected
 > "operator is not unique" failures.  Fixing the app would be a lot safer
 > in the long run.
 > > My question is that if there is any official way to overwrite this attribute
 > No.  If you're intent on breaking things, hacking the catalog is what to do.
 > ???regards, tom lane
 > --
 > Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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 > > > Thank you for your reply. I agree that this in not the right way so my question was also if there is any
alternativeway to do it, to make bit(1) behave similarly to integer so that I do not need to change hundreds of lines
ofcode to insert e.g. B'1' instead of 1 like it is now in my application (btw it is quite heavy existing application
whichis migrating to PostgreSQL). It is quite natural to insert 0 or 1 into the bit values so why I cannot do it simply
orthere is other way I can achieve my goal? IMHO that this specific cast SHOULD be implicit and it surely would not
resultin anything more strange than simplyfing people's lifes ;-) 

Thank you.