Thread: Loading different files

Loading different files

Sven Krosse
Dear all,

I am looking for a mechanism to load a specific file into an existing
database. The file is a CTM (Compact Topic Maps Syntax ) file and I have
written a CTM parser in plpgsql which works fine. The main problem is,
that I have to load the file into memory and sent a query to database
which causes an memory error because of a hugh file size. Is it possible
to copy data from a file into database by using own functions?

Thanks for response.

Re: Loading different files

John R Pierce
On 12/13/10 11:25 PM, Sven Krosse wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am looking for a mechanism to load a specific file into an existing
> database. The file is a CTM (Compact Topic Maps Syntax ) file and I
> have written a CTM parser in plpgsql which works fine. The main
> problem is, that I have to load the file into memory and sent a query
> to database which causes an memory error because of a hugh file size.
> Is it possible to copy data from a file into database by using own
> functions?

you could use the Large Object API to stream the data into postgres.
but that just stores it as a large blob of data.  if you need more
structured storage, I don't know what to suggest, except maybe parsing
your CTM in your application and sending the data to postgres a row at a