Thread: Make & Install contrib/tablefunc Problems

Make & Install contrib/tablefunc Problems

Stefan Schwarzer
Hi there,

strange thing, but every time I need to (re)install the tablefunc, I run into problems.

I am using the Kyngchaos packages for Snow Leopard. Everything works smoothly, until I arrive at the additional, manual
installationof tablefunc. 

I downloaded the correct version of the postgres package (8.4.3), and followed the indicated guidelines:

You can build extensions for Postgres without fully rebuilding Postgres.  For the "contrib" extensions in the Postgres
source,just make sure the pgsql bin folder is in your path and define USE_PGXS before running make.  In a Terminal, cd
tothe extension source folder and: 

export PATH="/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH"
export USE_PGXS=1
sudo make install

This will compile for your architecture, but only the 32bit version on Leopard (Snow builds 64bit by default).  If you
needto build 64bit (you can check Activity Monitor to see if Postgres is running 64bit), then add this export before

export CUSTOM_COPT="-arch x86_64"

But I get a :

$ sudo make install
Makefile:17: ../../src/ No such file or directory
Makefile:18: /contrib/ No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/contrib/'.  Stop.

I get the same message when doing a "./configure" with the pg_config parameters.

Gush, what am I doing wrong? Thanks a lot for any hints,
