Thread: Moving postgresql data to another computer

Moving postgresql data to another computer

Donald Catanzaro
Good Day All,

I am a newbie to PostgreSQL and I recently installed it on my desktop (Windows XP).  I am traveling now (laptop is Windows Vista) and I needed access to my database.  So before I left, I installed PosgreSQL on the laptop and then copied the data in the PostgreSQL data directory over to my laptop.  

I put the data directory from my desktop in a different place on my laptop and now I would like to access the data.  I naively tried to just replace all the files in the data directory on my laptop with the files from the data directory of the desktop.

When I do that I get the following error:  "could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? "

I've tried searching the archives and the FAQs but to no avail.  Could someone point me in the correct direction to move this data to another computer ?

Thanks in advance