Thread: Java Memory Issue while Loading Postgres library

Java Memory Issue while Loading Postgres library


Dear All Experts,


We have a java exe making a call to a postgres function. This postgres function internally makes a call to a  dll (which is written using Postgres extended C).

Now the issue is that, when we make a call to this dll, it consumes a lot of memory and this memory is getting consumed from the heap space of the original java process causing an out of memory exception in Java.


Is this a known issue. Do we have a way to keep these processes disjoint and not eat up heap space of the original process?


Please provide your suggestions/advises on the same.


Re: Java Memory Issue while Loading Postgres library

Ognjen Blagojevic
Date: wrote:
> We have a java exe making a call to a postgres function. This postgres
> function internally makes a call to a  dll (which is written using
> Postgres extended C).
> Now the issue is that, when we make a call to this dll, it consumes a
> lot of memory and this memory is getting consumed from the heap space of
> the original java process causing an out of memory exception in Java.
> Is this a known issue. Do we have a way to keep these processes disjoint
> and not eat up heap space of the original process?

It seems like your Java code doesn't release the resources (for
instance, not closing result sets, or something similar).

If you could post relevant parts of Java code that would be helpful.
Also post the versions of Postgres and Java you're using.
