Thread: VACUUM FULL vs backup/restore

VACUUM FULL vs backup/restore

David Wall
We are copying a production database and then pairing it down
dramatically (perhaps removing 99% of records, most of which are large

It seems my options are 1) VACUUM FULL with a reindex_db; or 2) backup,
then restore.

Is there anything one does better than the other?  Our impression is
that the backup and restore will run faster (perhaps 2 hours), whereas
we have a currently running VACUUM FULL that's been running for 4.5
hours already.

Anybody have any experience on this?  Would a backup/restore essentially
create a minimally sized database with all fresh indexes?


Re: VACUUM FULL vs backup/restore

Vick Khera
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:50 PM, David Wall <> wrote:
> It seems my options are 1) VACUUM FULL with a reindex_db; or 2) backup, then
> restore.

I'd go with the backup+restore.  The other option is to to a trivial
ALTER to one of your fields which causes the table to be rewritten.

Basically, anything is faster than a VACUUM FULL in my experience.

Re: VACUUM FULL vs backup/restore

Scott Marlowe
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 2:50 PM, David Wall <> wrote:
> We are copying a production database and then pairing it down dramatically
> (perhaps removing 99% of records, most of which are large objects).
> It seems my options are 1) VACUUM FULL with a reindex_db; or 2) backup, then
> restore.
> Is there anything one does better than the other?  Our impression is that
> the backup and restore will run faster (perhaps 2 hours), whereas we have a
> currently running VACUUM FULL that's been running for 4.5 hours already.

Vacuum Full was invented back in the days when drive space was not as
cheap as it is today.  It can shrink a table without having to have
enough room free on the drive for a complete copy to be made.  In
pgsql 9.0 that behaviour is changing, making vacuum full much faster
than it once was.

So, the advantage of vacuum full is that it can (for now) operate in a
space restricted environment if needed.

Given how cheap drives are nowadays, the preferred method is either to
cluster in place each table (which needs 2x file size drive space) or
backup / restore the db.

Re: VACUUM FULL vs backup/restore

Greg Smith
David Wall wrote:
> It seems my options are 1) VACUUM FULL with a reindex_db; or 2)
> backup, then restore.
> Is there anything one does better than the other?  Our impression is
> that the backup and restore will run faster (perhaps 2 hours), whereas
> we have a currently running VACUUM FULL that's been running for 4.5
> hours already.

VACUUM FULL can easily run for 4.5 days.  See for a discussion of the
issues here and comments about what you should do instead (probably
CLUSTER if you're running 8.3 or later).  The wiki seems to be having
issues right now so you might need to grab it from a cache somewhere
else instead, i.e.

If you're using 8.2 or earlier, dump and reload is the way to go for you.

Greg Smith  2ndQuadrant US  Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support