Thread: HW and performances

HW and performances

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
I'm using apache and postgres to make an ecommerce website work on
an old xeon box

processor       : 0
vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
cpu family      : 15
model           : 4
model name      :                   Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz

It looks it has 4 cores but I think they are 2 cores + HT

3 disks RAID5 [sic]

         total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:   4048024    3984896      63128          0     208304    2645748
-/+ buffers/cache:    1130844    2917180
Swap:  7813112        492    7812620

Swap get slightly hit after long period of uptime.

Most of the work happens in the items table ~1M rows.

The queries that actually impact on usability are:
- full text searches on a gin index on a tsvector
- updates of the catalogue (and related gin index) in batches of 20K
  items updated/inserted.

It *seems* (not really sure) that the bottleneck for full text
searches are the CPU.

I'll have the chance to split the load over a newer box:
2 socket 5120 Xeon box
2 disks RAID0 (single disk io seems faster than the box above)

I'm planning to move the DB on the newer box and leave apache on the
old one. This should free enough ram on the DB box so that the swap
will be untouched.

I'm hoping to halve the average page generation time.

I could add ram or disks to the newer box. Changing CPU doesn't look
a good investment.

Did I assign the task to the various boxes correctly?
Do I have any chance of getting near to my target even adding some
more HW to the newer box?
If not I'd think to buy a brand new box. Any suggestion?

By comparison I've a 2 socket x 4 cores Xeon E5310 @ 1.60GHz
8 Gb RAM
4 disks SATA RAID10
with apache and pg running inside a vserver (2.6.26-2-vserver-amd64)
that looks it can handle both jobs (apache and pg) at a reasonable
speed (roughly twice faster than needed) but that is still a bit
slower than what I'd like on catalogue updates.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo